Chapter 5

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I stroked Christine's hair. It was about noon, she still wasn't awake. Squelch had taken Gustave to Phantasma at about ten. I hadn't moved from the bed since I had brought Christine here last night. Even in sleep she was breathtaking. Her long dark hair swirling around her pale face. Her full pink lips slightly parted. Her cheeks flushed red. Her long eyelashes fluttering. Her eyes slowly opened. She cupped my face with her soft hand. She winced a bit.

"Oh Christine, I'm so happy to see your eyes opened. I though... I thought I'd lost you again.

Don't think it. You'll never have to think it again. W-where's Gustave?"

She asked frantic for a moment.

"Shhh I'll send for him. He's at Phantasma with Squelch. I didn't want him cooped up in here all day."

I reached for the phone.

"Yes, hello? Hi can you find Squelch and my son Gustave. Tell them Christine is awake and doing well. That she wishes to see them right away. Alright. Thank you."

I gave Christine a warm smile.

"I'm happy you're alright my love."

I gently leaned into her. Hesitantly I kissed her. I didn't want to hurt her, but I was so glad she was alright. She forced herself on me.

"Is that all you've got?"

She chuckled.

"Well, you need to recover Christine. I don't want to break you."

I smiled and rubbed her forearm.

"W-what happened?

Are you sure you want to hear it?"

I asked. She looked at me with her big doe-like eyes and nodded.


I sighed and explained how Meg had accidentally shot her.

"Where is she now? Where is Raoul?

I don't know. The last time I saw Meg was at the pier. And Raoul. Well, the last time I saw him was at the hospital. I was yelling at him...


He erm. He was eyeing the whisky they used to clean and numb your wounds."

She nodded. Just then we heard the door close.

"Mother? Father?

In here Gustave."

I called to him. He ran in the room towards us and jumped on Christine.


Careful Gustave. She's a bit fragile right now.

I'm sorry. I'm just so glad you're alright! I thought. I th-

I'm fine darling. Everything is fine now."

She kissed his head and smiled at him.

"Does it hurt much mother?

A bit. But I'm alright Gustave."

He laid close to her and she held him tight. I rubbed his back and smiled. Someone softly cleared their throat behind us. Squelch. I turned to him and chuckled.

"Yes, you're dismissed Squelch.

Thank you Sir."

He bowed his head and left.

"Christine? Do you need anything?

Well, a cup of tea w-

I'll be right back!"

I sprinted to the kitchen and put the kettle on the stove to boil. While I waited I made some of her favorite finger sandwiches. The kettle whistled and I poured three cups. I knew exactly how Christine liked her tea, but Gustave not so much. So, I put the sugar dish and cream on the tray and carried it into the bedroom. Both of their faces lit up when I entered the room.

"Oh Erik! You didn't have to do all this.

It was nothing Christine. I thought you'd be hungry. And these go perfectly with tea."

I smiled as I set the tray on her lap, careful not to hurt her. She made Gustave his tea and a cup for herself. I smiled as I watched them enjoy their tea and sandwiches, thankful that she was alright.

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