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Macy's POV

I felt like crap. Complete and utter crap. I was up all night coughing and just not feeling well. I looked like crap too. Mom decided I wasn't going to school today.

I pulled my phone out from under my pillow and decided to text Phoebe.

[morning Pheebs, I'm bed-bound today, was up all night. Please tell the teachers and bring me my hw if you can. Thanks! xxx Macy]

I sent the message and she replied almost instantly.

[sorry you're bed-bound, get some sleep. I'll bring you your hw after school. Welcome xxx Pheebs]

I smiled and set my phone down before turning on the tv with the remote. Normally I would use my powers, but they would be haywire until I got over whatever sickness I had. About halfway through the show I got another text. I picked up my phone and looked at it. Max.

I was curious as to what was up. Normally he'd text me good morning, but he already did and it would be kinda late for another one.

[hey, where are you?]

I smiled at his concern and was about to text back when he sent me more.

[nvm, Phoebe just told me]

[don't move]

I rolled my eyes at the last one. If I'm bed-bound, I can't really get out of bed.

A knock came to my door. "It's open!" I said and Mom walked through.

"Hi honey, I brought you tea and toast with jam." I smiled at her.

"Thanks mom. I'll eat it later." She smiled and set the tray on my nightstand before kissing my head and walking out, closing the door behind her.

I returned to watching tv for a while. Well, that is until the door to the porch opened up. I looked over at it but didn't see anyone there. I frowned as the door closed by itself and I shrugged.

Then my bed dipped and a familiar pair of arms wrapped around me from behind. The person nuzzled their face into my neck, their chin resting on my shoulder. I smiled contently and looked beside me to see Max.

"What're you doing here?" I mumbled and he smiled before kissing my cheek.

"Skipping and spending the day with my beautiful girlfriend."

I smiled and turned to face him. "Max, I can't just let you skip school. You need to learn so you can go to Villain University."

He smiled at me warmly, "You're more important than college."

My heart melted like he had used his heat breath on me. I smiled at him and he kissed my forehead.

"Now, what's wrong, because I remember last night you weren't feeling good."
I smiled. "That's right, it was you I was texting last night until 1 am."

He looked at me, appalled, "Who else would you be texting until then?" I giggled at his jealousy.

"Your sister. My friends. The guys. I don't know, people." I smirked and he hugged me tightly. I rested my head on his chest.

"Well, they don't matter right now," he mumbled and I kissed his jawline since it was the closest thing I could get to his cheek.

"Don't do that..." he whined.

"Why not?" I asked and pouted cutely at him.

"It turns me on. I just want you," he mumbled again.

I laughed slightly, "Well, you can't have me. I'm sick and I don't need you getting sick too. So no kisses on the lips." It was his turn to pout cutely. I giggled and stretched to kiss his cheek. "You're adorable." I muttered in his ear. He nuzzled his face into my neck.

"No, you are." He kissed my shoulder. "Now sleep. You need your rest." I nodded and closed my eyes as he held me close against him, my arms wrapped around him too.

I slept for what felt like minutes but was really hours. Max was asleep too, he must have gotten sleepy after not doing anything for however long we had been in this position.

I looked over at the clock, trying not to move so I didn't wake Max, but that boy slept like a rock so I twisted to see the time which happened to be-


Shit. We've been asleep for over 4 hours. My parents are gunna murder me once they find out. Hopefully they didn't walk into my room to check on me. That'd be bad. That'd be really bad.

Well, if mom found us, I guess it'd be okay but if my dad found us...we'd be sooooo dead.

It didn't matter anyways, since I fell back asleep. Apparently Mom did come upstairs because the next time I woke up, my breakfast from before was gone and Max and I were tangled in the sheets, him holding me close. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and texted Phoebe.

[hey don't worry about Max, he's staying over at mine xxx]

She replied in less than a minute.

[sounds good, I'll let mom and dad know. Thanks! xxx]

I smiled and set my phone down before wrapping my arms around Max and falling back to sleep.

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