Hiddenville High

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Hiddenville High

Macy Wonder entered the school and looked around, only slightly nervous. Suddenly, an old classmate of hers bounced up to her. "Macy! What are you doing here?" Phoebe Thunderman asked and Macy smiled, about to answer her back when arms embraced her from behind.

"Any friend of Phoebe's is a friend of mine! Hi, I'm Cherry!" The girl said, standing next to Phoebe.

"I'm Macy, nice to meet you. Um, well, my parents decided that it would be best to be like you guys and move into a small neighborhood, away from all that... craziness." Macy said and Phoebe nodded.

"All right then, we've gotta get to class, c'mon Cherry! See you later, Macy!" Phoebe said, giving Macy a quick hug and then went to class.

Macy looked around and clutched her schedule, heading to her locker. She emptied her books into it and heard a voice behind her.

"Macy?" it asked, surprised. She turned around to see the one and only Max Thunderman. Macy felt her heart speed up at the sight of him. She quickly snapped herself out of her trance.

"H-hey Max," Macy said and Max smirked.

"Hey, how have you been?" He asked stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"I've been good, you?" She asked, pushing her hair behind her ear and Max kept a smirk on his face. Gosh Macy, it hasn't been that long since you've seen him! Stop acting so awkward and tense around him!

Suddenly, the bell rang and Macy looked at her schedule. "Hey, um, Max, could you help me find room 107? I've got math first period." Macy asked shyly and Max nodded.

"Yeah, I've got that class too." he said and they headed to math.

Walking into the class was easy, as was finding a chair and sitting down. But sitting down at the desk behind Max was hard. She would never learn anything in that class because all she would be doing is goofing off with him. As the class started, Max passed a note back to Macy.

[Hey, maybe wanna come over after school today and catch up a bit? -Max]

Macy smiled and wrote back. "Yeah, sounds cool." Macy then tried paying attention to the class but all she got was mumble-mumble-mumble blah-blah-blah since she had already learned what was in the lesson and started doodling a picture of her parents fighting crime and saving the world.

Max and Macy were in Science together, the last class of the day. "Alright class, today we'll be using chemicals in groups so everybody pick your partners." The teacher spoke and Macy looked at the ground and shuffled her feet. Suddenly, a hand pulled her down into the seat. She looked up to see Max and her cheeks went a bit red.

"Wanna be my partner?" he asked and Macy nodded.

"Sure, thanks," she said. They got into the lab and soon they were both mixing chemicals, adding certain supplies and were about to shake it up a bit. "You ready?" Macy asked and Max nodded excitedly.

"Oh yeah! Let's do this!" he said and Macy rolled her eyes.

Different school, different town, same old Max. Macy dumped the ingredient in and the two of them took a step back, crossing their fingers and pulling clothes over their heads. The explosion happened and the goo was EVERYWHERE. The two shared a good laugh and then were kicked put of the classroom. They kept laughing as they stumbled into the hallway.

"That was awesome!" Max exclaimed. "I can't believe you still remembered the formula!"

Macy shrugged, "Yeah, it was one of our best pranks. I'll always remember it." Macy said quietly and Max smiled.

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