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Summer vacation began as everything I needed and more. I got a job lifeguarding at one of Hiddenville's public pools that paid fifteen dollars an hour, Max and I were on good terms again, my brother was home, and Link was lifeguarding with me. We also always had the same shifts so we screwed around a lot and messed with our co-workers. I'm pretty sure they thought we were siblings.

The Thunder Twins showed up during Link and I's early shift one day and I waved excitedly across the pool at them. Max smirked and waved back, nearly tripping over some lady who was tanning. I laughed and caught Link's eye. He turned to see Max and Phoebe and waved to the both of them, Phoebe blowing him a kiss across the pool.

I kept watching the pool as Phoebe and Max got settled in some chairs and waited for Link and I to get off deck. The next two guards came up and switched with Link and I.

"Race you!" I yelled across the pool and sped over to Max and Phoebe as fast as I could.

Link, with his long legs, beat me there and kissed his girlfriend hello. Max and I both grimaced at the sight and looked away.

"When do you have to go up next?" Max asked.

I shrugged. "Not for another few hours. We have so many guards here today, it's crazy. You wanna hop in?"

Max nodded and stood up and I walked back to the guard room to change into my bikini. I walked back out with my towel and tossed it on to Max's chair before we headed over to the diving boards together. He got up first, bouncing a few times before flipping off the board and diving in. I laughed and he flipped his hair out of his face as he resurfaced.

"C'mon, Mace! Your turn!" he yelled and I smirked.

"Prepared to be amazed, Thunderman!" I yelled back, walking on the board.

I bounced a few times before getting enough momentum and jumped, flipping twice and landing into the pool with a cannonball.

Max applauded loudly and I laughed, swimming over to him.

"Thank you, thank you. I know, I'm awesome." I smirked and he splashed me. I splashed back but used my powers so it was more like a wave crashing on top of him.

Max groaned, pushing his hair out of his face. "Sometimes I forget you have powers and can manipulate the water."

I smirked. "Why do you think I was the fastest swimmer in all of Metroberg?"

Max stared at me. "But they put our powers on hold for sports."

I laughed, "Remember, former devil child here."

We laughed together and swam toward the shallow end so I could actually stand in the pool. We began tossing a ball back and forth, trying to play 'keep it up' to keep ourselves entertained. I smacked the ball across the pool and Max groaned, playfully glaring at me before swimming to get it. I laughed, watching him, and then was suddenly splashed as Phoebe shoved Link into the pool. I turned and saw Phoebe doubling in laughter as Link resurfaced, grabbed her ankle and tugged her in after him. Phoebe's face changed from laughter to a look of surprise as she fell in and I laughed again as she landed in the water.

It suddenly turned into a splash war between the two of them and I swam over to Max, jumping on to his back.

"Keep me away from those two," I said jokingly and gestured to Phoebe and Link.

Max nodded dutifully and held on to my thighs as he swam around the pool aimlessly. I held on tightly, resting my chin on the top of his head.

This. This was what I missed by not being with Max. Max has been and will always be my person. He always knows exactly what I need and how I need it. He understands me more than anyone else does, and usually more than myself. I sighed, my heart aching slightly as I thought of it, aching like it has when I've thought of Max lately.

"Hey Maxy," I whispered and looked down at him.

Max looked up at me with a raised eyebrow that was silently asking the question for him.

I took a deep breath. "Do you still miss me?" I asked quietly, not looking into his eyes.

Max smirked--I could tell by the way he spoke. "Would I wear this friendship ring every day if I didn't?"

Max held up his hand that had the mood ring on his finger. The ring was a purple pink and I sucked in a deep breath through my nose, my mind reeling with possibilities.

"What about Allison?" I asked, my heart sinking to my stomach.

"She dumped me over text message last week."

My eyes widened. "Max! Why didn't you tell me?!"

He shrugged. "I didn't think it was too important considering Phoebe helped me get over it quickly."

I shook my head. "You still could have told me, I would have helped too."

Max shook his head. "Mace, I'm okay with it because my heart doesn't belong to her, and quite frankly, it never did."

My heart soared and I looked at him with so much love, it could have been seen miles away. "I know I said I was happy being single..." I said, whispering  slightly. "But I can't be single anymore, Max. I miss you so much that my heart literally aches when I think about you. Being single is great, yeah, but being with you is so much better."

Max chuckled and released me to swing me in front of him, holding my thighs so that I was straddling him now. "I want to be with you too," he whispered.

I smirked. "Maximus Octavius Thunderman, will you be my boyfriend and partner in crime?"

Max chuckled. "Mackenzie Anne Wonder, yes I will."

He leaned in and I closed the gap, pressing my lips to his. I wrapped my arms around his neck and Max moved his hands up further on my thighs. I pulled him closer and deepened the kiss, Max certainly not objecting to the kiss.

A whistle was blown from the side of the deck and we pulled away from each other to see Link standing with a whistle in his hand.

"No kissing my cousin!" Link yelled at Max and we both laughed. I flipped Link off and he pretended to be shocked and hurt, clutching his heart and falling into the pool. I laughed again, finding his antics stupid but amusing.

Link resurfaced and swam over to us, immediately turning on Max.

"If you hurt her, I will have your head on a spear. Do you understand me?"

Max nodded with a smirk sprawled lazily across his lips. "Yeah, Link. I don't want to lose her again anyway so you won't have any issues with me except for family parties."

I laughed and rested my head on Max's shoulder, grinning from ear to ear. I just loved him so much and I didn't need a mood ring to tell me that.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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