The New Hero Baby

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Chapter 12

When Max called me up early that morning, I groaned and grabbed my phone, answering it.

"What?" I growled out. He knows I hate waking up early on Saturdays.

"Hey, I'm sorry I'm waking you up, but Mom's pregnant. Think you can rush over?" Max asked quickly.

My eyes widened. "Baby?" I squeaked. "Uh, yeah sure, I guess."

"Thanks babe. Love you." Max sounded happy.

"Yep love you too. I'll be over soon." I hung up and rushed around my room, throwing on my super suit and then wearing sweats and a t-shirt over it. I grabbed my phone and rushed out the door to the Thunderman household.

The entire house looked like it was being electrocuted. My eyes widened before rushing inside.

"Oh thank goodness you're here! She's in labor!" Max exclaimed.

"Well stop looking up the stairs!" I exclaimed, pulling him down.

"Oh sweet cheese, you're here. Good. Colosso is helping to deliver the baby." Phoebe said, coming into the room.

"He what?!" I yelled.

"Yep, now all we have to do is wait." Max threw his arm around me and I stared at him.


The yelling had stopped and instead we heard a little giggle. Max and Phoebe raced upstairs and I followed in pursuit. Inside was Barb holding new baby Chloe Thunderman in her arms. Hank took her just before Barb passed out.

I was curious as to where Nora and Billy were, so I raced around town trying to find them. One last stop and I hit the baby store.

Apparently, Nora had entered a contest to see if she was the cutest baby. She lost. I comforted her before going inside to help Billy with his math and buying all of the necessary baby stuff for Chloe. We headed outside where Billy comforted her even more.

"Wait, Billy, didn't you actually send her to Abu Dhabi?" I questioned, carrying some of the bags.

"Nuhuhuh, Macy Macy Macy. That's between you, me and the nice royal family who mailed her back." Billy said.

I laughed. "Right, I'll keep my mouth shut." Together the three of us walked home.

When we got there, nobody else was and Barb was still sleeping.

"But where's the baby?!" Nora exclaimed.

"Phoebe must have her. It's okay Nors, you can see her when they get back." I said, trying to cheer Nora up but she continued to sulk. "How about this, why don't we watch movie?" I asked.

"What kind of movie?" Billy asked.

"A baby movie. Mine, to be exact." I smiled a little.

"Really, you'd let us?!" Nora asked and I nodded.

"I think Max has it in his room, let me go check..." I wandered down to the lair and grabbed the copy that he made before running upstairs and putting it into the DVD player.

Many many times came up where I was scolded at for playing pranks with Max and often Max was there standing beside me. Both of them laughed very hard at Max's appearance each time. I just smiled at how cute he was and how many times he took the blame for me.

Sooner or later, Max, Phoebe, Chloe, Hank, Dr. Colosso -and even Cherry- came back to the house. I stood up and looked Max over before placing a hand on my hip.

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