Once Upon A Time

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Once upon a time, there was a princess. Well, not princess, more like a rebellion hiding really well in a young woman's body. She was the youngest daughter in her family, the one with the wildest dreams, the most colorful soul everyone has ever seen. They thought she was weird, the crazy one, because she wanted to do things differently, in her own way. But there was something holding her back, a force she couldn't really acknowledge. She wanted to fly, to see the entire world, but she couldn't, not alone anyway. Her name was Sanem, and her life was about to change drastically. 


Once upon a time, there was a prince. A rascal, handsome, wandering man. The oldest one in the family, the one who couldn't stay in one place for long. He was travelling all around the world, loving the nature, the sea, the mountains, the animals more than he would ever love most of the people around him. He thought he was fine on his own, an albatross, loving the freedom he had, but at the same time looking unconsciously  for something he didn't know he was missing. He couldn't understand that an albatross, yes loves it's freedom, but it always shares it with his other half. His name was Can, and his life would never be the same again.


 Once upon a time, the princess and the rascal met. Once upon a time, a kiss was enough to change the world they both knew until now.

Our princess found her voice, found the courage she needed to slowly follow her dreams, to follow her hearts will. And she desperately   wanted to find her albatross. That man kissed her and woke her up. The man that she never saw, and yet felt so many things about him. But like in every fairytale, there are always the bad guys who want to steal the happy ending of the heroes. 

Our prince on the other hand, well let's just say, changed the whole perspective he had about his life so far. Suddenly he had a purpose he never had before. He had to find that girl he kissed, the one with such a unique flower smell, he couldn't forget even if he wanted to. And he tried, he really did, but failed miserably. He had to find the one person who excited him, more than everything he had ever encounter before. But life had other plans.  


Once upon a time, they found each other. They found what they were looking for in their lives in each other. Sanem found the wind her wings needed to fly, be who and what she was destined to be. A better version of herself. A version who isn't afraid to express herself, who is ready to fight for what or who she wants. A power that uplifted her, a strength  that she already possessed but didn't trust herself enough to use it.

Can learned the most valuable lesson this life could ever give him. Home is not a place. Home is a person. Home is where your heart is free even though you never really change the place you stay. Where you feel peace, serenity and calmness. Home is where your heart is happy and full because the person next to you, your person, laughs and it's the best sound you've ever heard. Second best if you count the heartbeat that you hear every time you lay on their chest. Our albatross found his home at last, a golden cage which doesn't feel like a cage at all. A home that he would never have the ability to leave. A home where he was feeling free, more free than he ever felt before.


Once upon a time, an albatross and his phoenix found each other. No one could ever separate them, nothing would get in their way. They had each other and that's all that mattered to them. He made her feel happy, confident, the strongest woman on this earth. She made him feel vulnerable but at the same time he never felt more powerful, because she was there with him.

Once upon a time a fairytale-like love was born out of nowhere, a love that would never really change, no matter the circumstances.

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