Chapter 24: Am i Right Or Am i Right!

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Time passed, because that's what time does. Its a river that keeps pushing forward. But.....

Me: Junior, its been done.

Junior: not properly Lawrence, you stupid idiot.

Me: I killed her didn't I.

Junior: YOU FUCKING IDIOT NO YOU DIDN'T.......I told you to kill Carlin-

Me: NO YOU DIDN'T.... y-you sai-

Junior: shut up, one last chance Lawrence....kill Carlina Terrence now!


Kekes POV..

. . . . . . . . . . brain is processing . . . . . . .

Carlina took everyone except me and Kiara out to breakfast after Kayla's statement on "poisoning the family for their riches". For her information I don't need their money. I have my stolen own from Lawrence. I still haven't finished counting it.

I wonder what Lawrence is doing right now? Probably marrying 'Trish'. who is 'Trish' anyway. I hope their happy.

Dad: -dressed.

me: Wait what did you say, repeat.

Carlina: KEMILLA, I did not raise you to talk in such poor manner.

me: Oh, um Sorry Carlina.

I look up and see her stand their in shock. all I want to do is laugh in her face. I will never in the time god has left for me on this earth call her Mother. She's Nothing I remember, Nothing I imagined nor want to be around. We have nothing in common and she's just so stuck up in her money she forget reality.

Carlina: Kemilla, Raise.

Me: Huh.

Carlina: Stand.

I get up off the couch and stand in front of her. I have nothing from her. I'll take that comment from dad looking like her as a insult.

me: Why am I S-

Before I know it I get a hot box across my face. A tear finds its way down my cheek as I look back at her. Did this bitch really hit me. After all I've been through she has the nerve of all people to hit me.

me: WHAT TH-

Another slap takes place one my other cheek.

Carlina: I Am Your Mother. Don't you dare call me by my first name, do you understand............

S-so this "Carlina" character that claims to be my mother is not my mother........

dad: Kek-

Me: Are you even my father?

That said I walk out of that room back to mine. As I walk into my room Kiara is on the bed playing with a doll.

Kiara: Mommy......were you sleep walking?

Me: hi to you too Kiara....who bought you that doll

Kiara: hi mommy and Alex did.

Me: Who's Alex?

TTD: I guess you've forgotten about me, but it hasn't been that long has it?

Me: get out.

Alex: nah i just got here.

He sits down at the end of the bed and looks blanky at the wall.

Me: Kiara where's dondre.

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