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Every night I lay in the dark listening to monitors beeping, ventilators whooshing and machines monitoring the thin treads of my life. Every couple minutes I'm neither hearing patients pleading, praying, screaming, or hearing I guess their loved ones bawling for them.

But here I am.

Stuck in a hospital bed.

Sharing the same room with 4 or maybe 5 now patients.

Trying to relax and tell myself it will be alright.


I don't know where my so called "family" is. I guess they don't care for their daughter that's been missing for 5 close enough to 6 years and is right now fighting her hardest battle for her life. 

One thing came good out of this. Which was my absolutely favorite doctor. She's always their for me, always giving me advice and talking to be about almost anything. I wasn't letting no other door touch me but her. So she took the first plane here.

She is what I can call a mom.


Just a little pre-chapter for y'all. I'll try to finish the actual chapter by the end of this weekend. And if not then Tuesday.!!


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