Chapter 11: Back To Hell

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kekes POV.

I've been soaked in tears for year's, and now I thought I was out of hell. I thought he loved me, but he's no better. I'm like a bird in a cage, being sold to every customer that walks in. Ha....this endless street of it all that I call my life. I feel like I'm going crazy. I keep telling myself to pull it together... but this is hard. What do I do now?!.....meanwhile this man is putting his hands on me, at least it's something I can bear. He hit the window like it's me until it shattered, just like my heart. he turns to me and Kiara that are in a corner trying to figure out what went wrong. his hand is a little bruised and bloody. hiding Kiara in my chest I whisper in her ear "I'm here, no ones going to hurt you" she eases up on the crying. I rub her back softly. i stand up then I lift her up sitting her on my waist. her head still in my chest crying for the first time in weeks or should I say probably a month.

me: you done

all he can do is breath heavily, staring me down. I wasn't about to cry. I smile at him the nicest way possible.

two men come through the front door. taking me and Kiara to this van. am I gunna fight back?? is their any point. they try to touch me and Kiara to walk to the van, not making a scene I brush their hands off me and walk to the van my self with my heartbeat and two feet. just as I thought...we arrive "home". I get out the van with Kiara holding my hand. we walk up to the house before we could knock he opens the door. he smiles. he taps his right cheek turning it towards me. I give him a kiss as does Kiara. we walk back into hell.

Lawrence: Kiara go upstairs

as Kiara looks up to me, I look down to her. she leaves my hands. Lawrence walks around me staring at me like never before. then he stops in front of me. looking away from him he turns my head to him.

Lawrence: I love you, you know that right.

I nod my head yes. I can feel the tears forming in my eyes. he pulls me into a hug. he pulls away and spins me towards the stairs. having his hand in mine, I bring him upstairs. i feel his eyes on my body, looking at every curve and thickness of me. passing Kiara's room I can remember everything, can hear everything and can picture what's gunna happen later. walking to the master bedroom I can already hear him unbuckling his belt. cracking the door and unbuttoning my shirt. I push him on the bed with me between his legs and his hands on my waist.

Lawrence: You remem-

I cut him off with a kiss.

me: I know the routine.

he smiles pulling me towards him. my face has the same facial reaction....Nothing. all I could do is look away to another object in the room. no smile, no grin, no laugh, chuckle or even moan. finishing the rounds he does what he usually did everytime, wrap his arm, then leg around me tight so I can't leave. I'm never gunna I. his head near my ear, I can hear his annoying snores.

about an hour of thinking, Kiara walks in the room and jumps on the bed beside me. she gets a little comfortable till Lawrence wakes up.


she looks to me.

me: Kiar-

Lawrence: GET OUT....

Kiara starts bawling and gets up running out the room. Lawrences grip gets tighter. now here comes the tears. Kiara...come back I think to myself. she's my weakness and also my strength of getting up every morning, the strength of not killing myself now.


waking up in...oh yea...hell. I thought that was a dream....why couldn't it be a dream. I look to the clock and its 9:00am. I jump up and rushing to Kiara's room. she's still asleep. I wake her up calmly, not frightening her. she does what she needs to do and we rush downstairs. Lawrence in his suit about to walk out the door turns to us looking confused. we run to the door till he stops us.

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