Chapter 17: Not Love. It Can't Be

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Kekes POV.

I wake up with Kiara in my lap sleeping and mini holding my hand asleep. I need to use the bathroom so I sit kiara back in her seat and let go of Dominiques hand. I start to walk towards the back of the plane till Dominique calls for me.

me: bathroom.

he nods his head and I continue to walk. everyone in my path is staring at me like I'm a freak. but I'm not a freak, did I not apply my makeup properly? can they see my bruises and a hot feel runs through me. now I really need to use the bathroom. I start to quicken my pace. some people look at me with sorry in their eyes or some even have disgust. what. just because I've been out of this world for five years doesn't mean I can't return! doesnt mean I don't belong.

I put my head down and start speed walking down the aisle. I reach the bathroom but it's occupied so I wait. I feel like everyone is still staring at me. it's getting hotter and hotter in here. I look down at my shoes and she how old and disgusting they look. is that what they were staring at? No they were staring at me. What if my family looks at me like that...what will I do?

?: gunna use the bathroom

I snap out of my train of thought. I feel embarrassed. Forget This, I don't need to use the bathroom anymore. I start to walk back to my seat.

?: Wait Wait....Keke.

GREAT, I'm known. I start to walk faster you can call it running. the Models on this plane called flight attendants are handing out food and drinks to people with a cart in the aisle blocking my way.

me: Excuse

I cut through the middle of people. to the other aisle. I look to dondre doing the same. I rush back to the washroom and lock the door behind me. I splash some water on my face to waken up. This is just a dream? I can't be free. I'm gunna wake up beside Lawrence with tears on my face. I'll wake up with soreness, bruises and scarred with what ever he would call me while the abuse. he would have a smile on his face. Kiara would be in the corner bawling her eyes out, witnessing what had Lawrence had done to me and her.

Dondre: Keke. open the door please.

me: dondre just leave me alone. please you've caused me and Kiara enough. we trusted you..

dondre: ...I'm sorry... I really am if you'd just listen to me on why I was like that, that nigh-

me: shut up and leave me and Kiara alone. we don't need you.......(mumbling): we don't love you.

dondre: wait wait wait...what...

me: ...Nothing.

dondre: did you say you guys love me.

me: No....I said we don't love you. we hate you, so no point in trying to fix what you did.

it gets quiet. I think he left. whimp. if he loved us he'd stay and fight. its not like I do want him anyway...right? I slightly open the door then he barges in scaring me half to death. he locks the door then turns around and pulls me into a passionate kiss. falling for it I started to kiss back. a flash of love and trust I had for him goes through my mind then I push him hard away from me making his back hit against the door.

me: leave

dondre: Keke I was drunk and mad at someone else. I wasn't me.

me: Dondre...please.

dondre: Keke I'm still in love with you...just listen to the words I have to say.

me: No you don't love me. no one does. I hate those words, I hate you, I hate me, I hate life, I hate everyone. me and Kiara don't deserve this. I don't know what I did for this to be brought on us.

dondre: Keke. I'm sorry just calm down.

Keke: Dondre I'm only gunna say this once.

dondre: yea

Keke: get out of my life.

dondre: No...Keke the first time I laid eyes on you I knew that it was love at first sight.

Keke: ............

he grabs me by the waist, pulling me closer to him. I rest my hands on his muscular chest and stare into his eyes.

dondre: I messed up. can you give me another chance.

me: I don't know dondre.

he goes in his pocket,.......for a ring box. he kneels down on one knee and presents the ring to me. he couldn't be asking for...marriage! could he? does he love me that much? No this is a dream! has to be!

dondre: Keke......


yea I was bored and really really wanted to post a chapter but since I'm putting this book on hold....I'll just do a little thing here and there. so yea

I'm so confusing. forget my now deleted book called 'L.I.F.E' I'm writing a new and better book called 'I am your kidnapper' should I post it or nah.

yea I'm really weird.



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