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My eyes opened, my vision was still blurry but I could make some stuff out. I was in a room. Silver panels all around, a long metal xenon lamp my only source of light. I saw a large mirror in front of me, I didn't know why I was here, I didn't know what was going on, I just wanted to go home and see my family again. I felt something in my arms... The plushie I had when I passed out.

"At least I still have it" I said to myself, not that it was worth being in this situation obviously.

I got up and tried to open the door inside but it was sealed shut and I could tell it was reinforced because when I tried to ram it open, I almost broke my arm. Eventually I gave up and sunk back down near the spot where I had woken up.

I closed my eyes and tried my best to think about something else, anything, something that wouldn't make me feel like I'm gonna have a breakdown.

Then, I heard voices coming from behind the mirror, I could not help but be curious as to what they were saying. I got up, shakily, holding the plushie in my arms, walking towards the mirror, I shivered nervously because I didn't know what they were saying. But the only thing I kept asking myself is... What in the world are they going to do to me?

His vitals are normal.

Subject 6 has successfully been transformed.

Now its Subject 7's turn.

Fear attacked me again, I just wanted to go home, could I just go home!? Why are they doing this? I felt like asking myself so many questions, it was like my head was going to blow. All I wanted was my mom to tell me it was going to be alright, but she wasn't here, I was about to lose everything, family, friends, my dreams, everything, I wasn't ready for what came next, I heard whirring behind and the wall to my left opened up, revealing a large metallic sci-fi looking blaster, I began to shake, I did not know what was going to happen but I was so scared.

"What is that? What is it going to do to me?"

I heard laughing over the loudspeaker, and not the cherries and roses kind, (Meowth's Voice) "Kid, what your lookin at is 2 years of blood, sweat, and tears. Presenting, The Tornado 23.0. This device was made for one reason only... To turn people into Pokémon!"

"How is that even possible?! Our genetics are totally different!" I shouted.

"Hmp, Well here at Team Rocket anything is possible, like turning you into a Pokémon perhaps"

"What?! No! I wanna be human!"

I heard laughing again, "You act like you got a choice!"

"Please... Just let me go!"

"Bye bye!"

The speaker cut out and there was silence, I could feel my body getting chills back to back that's how scared I was, tears welled up in my eyes. There was a slow whirring sound, it gradually got louder and louder.  My eyes went wide in fear, and I began to squeeze the plushie tightly as I watched the device begin to power up and turn to my direction. I thought by running around the room I could avoid it aiming at me, but everytime I turned it was still pointed at me. The beam was getting brighter and brighter and soon, I could feel myself crying and sweating, I thought if only I had stayed away and ignored those Team Rocket maniacs. Before I could think about anything else, the beam hit me. I screamed, it was like being hit by the sun, my nerves felt like they fried up. My skin was eating me. I felt like I was shrinking and soon - I passed out.

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