Chapter 1: We meet again

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Shira ran as fast as she could, trying to make an attempt to escape, to escape the evil that was after her. She ran through the forest and hid herself behind the bushes. She held her hand to her mouth when someone started to laugh really loudly. She held her breath and made herself as small as she could and hoped he would not see her. Evil lurked and came closer and closer to the girl. "Sparkle where are you? I know you're here! COME OUT AND SHOW YOURSELF!" Shira closed her eyes and tried to concentrate, she had to contact her friends, and the only way to get in touch is through her mind. She breathed in and out when she focused on her breathing, she couldn't reach her friends for some reason. As if their mind was out of reach, she remembered the moment when she and her friends said goodbye. They each went their own way, looking for the weapon that could change everything, the weapon that will protect everyone from evil. Shira started to get dizzy and saw blurred, she tried to look around her, but it hurt. She fell to the floor and held her head. Everything around her was getting dark and Shira slowly closed her eyes. "No ... not now," she whispered. She heard footsteps approaching and tried to crawl away. Shira did not have the energy to walk or to get up. "Look who we have there! ~ If that is not our sweet princess" The same voice laughed. "Shadow .. you will not get away with this ..." She spoke slowly as her eyes closed and she fell asleep. The one named Shadow has a huge smirk on his face as he picked up the girl." How many times do i need to tell you, you can't escape me" He chuckled quietly as he looked at the girl.

Shira woke up when she had that bad dream again. She looked around her, she was just in her bedroom. Already two years, two years have passed since the accident and the terrible power of shadow. A general from another planet. Shira still remembered how her friends were killed before her eyes. And for what? Shadow wanted to get power for his master, who was his master? Unfortunately, Shira did not know who. Shira was happy that everything was back to normal, or almost normal. She really missed her friends. She was able to burst into tears and the worst thing of all was telling her friends' parents had died. She could not tell the truth, she could not tell that her friends had been murdered by a general from another planet / world. Who would believe it? They would think she was crazy. Shira got up from her bed and started dressing her herself, brushing her hair and brushing her teeth. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. She fell into depression when she escaped from General Shadow. Everything seemed so useless and hopeless, exactly what Shadow wanted what would happen. She wanted to save her friends, she wanted it so badly, but she couldn't get rid of Shadow's hold. All those nightmares just came back, she couldn't forget. Even though she wanted it so badly, she couldn't.

Today was her first day at school at her new school. She has often had to move since the accident and she did not like it. Then she was "the new child" again. Shira grabbed her schoolbag and then looked at her medallion, the one that could transform her into Glitter Sparkle. (It is the same as the glitter pacts and it works the same, only it has the shape of a necklace). She sighed and grabbed her necklace and wrapped it around her neck. It was a reminder that she was weak, but she didn't want it to fall into the wrong hands.

Shira walked out of her bedroom and walked downstairs, putting on her shoes and coat. She first went to prepare some food and put her bread bin in her bag. As usual, she was home alone again, her parents are often traveling for work and Shira is then alone at home for a few days, sometimes weeks or months. She went to the front door and grabbed her keys as she walked out and locked the door behind her. Shira started to walk her way to school and looked at her phone, she had a few minutes before class started. Fortunately, Shira lives close to school, so she doesn't have to walk long, so she's not too late either. "LOOK OUT !!!!!" Shouted a voice, Shira was startled and turned around and saw a girl running her way with an enormous speed. Shira stepped aside just in time as the girl ran past her and fell. About what? No idea. Shira walked over to the girl and looked at her. "Um... are you okay? "She asked the girl. The girl had Pink / Magenta color hair and Magenta colored eyes. The girl's hair was in a form of ... Croissants?

"mhh Yes, I think I will" the girl moaned in pain as she stood up and looked at Shira. She was smiling. "My name is Emily, Nice to meet you" she said as she reached out to me. Shira looked at her and sighed. "Shira" Mumbled Shira and started walking to school. Emily looked a little surprised by Shira's reaction and ran after her. "Why such a hurry?" Emily asked Shira. "Ehm school starts soon?" Shira said back. Emily gasped. "WE ARE LATE, wait in which class are you?" Emily asked. Shira was thinking and shrugs as she didn't know which class. Emily smiled as she grabbed Shira's hand and ground to run to the reception of the school and asked which class Shira was in. It was in the same class as Emily even though Shira was two years older then Emily.

Emily is fourteen and Shira is sixteen.

Emily and Shira quickly went to the room where they had to be. They were just in time, the bell rang just when they entered the classroom. Shira looked around her, first she looked at the students and then at the teacher. She looked friendly, but Shira is not going to take any risks. "Oh, you must be Shira or not?" The woman asked. Shira nodded. The teacher smiled and meanwhile Emily tried to slip to her place. "Emily, next time I would like you to come to school earlier so that you do not arrive late" The teacher said. Emily nodded and sat down at her place. There was a whisper in the classroom, it was a terrible silence.

"Shira my name is Miss Mason" The teacher said as she got up and walked towards me with a gentle smile on her face." Would you please introduce yourself to the class?" She asked/said. Shira sighs and nods quietly as she looked at her classmates.

" My Name is Shira, i am sixteen years old and i'm 'happy' to meet you" She said with sarcasm. "Alright Shira you can sit next to Emily" Miss mason said. Shira nods as she walked to where Emily was and sat down next to her.

When class was over Shira put her books in her bag and stood up. She was about to walk away, until Emily stood before her and smiled." What do you want?" Shira asked a little annoyed by the fact Emily blocked her way." I want you to meet my friends" She said with a smile on her face. Shira sighs, she didn't know what to do either way." Fineeee" She mumbled. Emily smiled more as she grabbed Shira's hand and began to ran out of the classroom to the exit of school. They went outside and walked to a place where four other girls sat.

" HEY EMILY WE ARE HERE" Shouted a girl with reddish red hair. Shira rolled her eyes. The two girls walked to the others.

" Girls meet Shira, Shira meet Kelsey, Chloe, April and Lily" Emily introduced Shira to the others. As the girls were talking about everything and nothing, a dark figure were looking at them with a slight smirk. The figure was looking and listening what they were saying.

" We meet again..... Sparkle" A dark voice said.

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