chapter nineteen

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"Don't run too far, have fun.." 

It was a Saturday evening, and nana and I decided to take Ron to a play center.

I watched my brother run off with the other children, feeling more settled knowing that things were going back to how they were. There were moments that I actually thought that something serious was going on, but I was leaning more towards the idea that he was sick. His sinuses were pretty bad, and he tends to have colds on and off.

"Have you been looking at any colleges?" 

My head shot up to look at nana, who was sitting across from me in the booth. She was reading the newspaper from earlier with her reading glasses.

"I've been pretty busy with Luke to even consider looking." I replied.

"You should start looking, Reese," She placed a hand on mine, giving me a warm smile. "It's nice to finally find love and to be happy, but I want you to have more for yourself."

"I will, don't worry nana." 



"There's nothing on my mind but a good chilli cheese hot dog.." Michael sung loudly, his head hanging on the edge of the bed.

We were pretty much stuck together today. It was Calum's idea to work on more songs, but he wasn't able to make it for family reasons and Ashton was still out of town with his family, so I was left to work on a few lyrics with Michael, who was barely helping at all.

"Come on, Michael," I grabbed one of my notepad off my desk and threw it at him, but he ended up catching it instead of it hitting him. "Calum expects at least one song made to gets him to the point where he shits his pants because its ridiculously good."

"But think about who he left to do that? I'm nowhere near as good as him at making songs, and you are pretty much a blank probably don't have anything written."

Michael stood up from my bed and walked over to where I was, and started to reach out for my notebook. I quickly stood up and held it behind my back. 

Michael chuckled.

"They're that bad, mate?" He asked.

"No, its just not finished yet." I shrugged, taking my seat back at my desk.

"Fine, just tell me when you're done," He turned to walk back to his spot on the bed, but suddenly paused. "You got a text from Reese."

My hands instantly dropped my pen and leaned forward, grabbing my phone that was laying next to my lamp. I was expecting to see the message on my screen, but saw nothing.

"Hey, Reese didn't t-" I paused when I saw my notebook was missing, only to see it in Michael's hands.

When he saw I noticed he ran to the bed, standing on top of it.

"What the hell are you doing, give it back!" I hissed.

"I admit that I'm a bit of a

victim in the worldwide system too

but I found my sweet escape

when i'm alone with you.." 

"You actually wrote this?" His face looked a bit shocked, never seeing me a day in my life writing something on my own.

I've collaborated on few things with Ashton and Calum, but it was so difficult to express my emotions of my own when it comes to making things on my own, but this was the complete opposite of difficult. It seemed to come more naturally.

"I wrote the rest last night, those are the ones I'm working on now." I mumbled.

"Are you sure you wrote this by yourself?" Michael asked in disbelief, tossing me back my notebook.

"It's kind of easy when you're in a good place." 

My mind started to drift back to when I told Reese I loved her. Those three words were never planned to come out, it just happened. Commitment wasn't something I wanted to consider for someone like me, since I thought a love couldn't last forever. No one could spend there life with arguments, getting aggravated or not looking for anything else out there. But Reese was an exception. 

She makes me not want to follow that rule, and I was okay with it.

"This girl just walks into your life and its like you're a completely different person." 

"That tends to happen when you care a lot about someone. "

"You do know that we still have to attend college. Are you sure you want to be tied down?" 

I bit my lip and ran a hand through my tousled hair.

"A bunch of random girls could never compare to Reese."

Michael nodded his head and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"So, I'm guessing you're also planning to sing this for her?"

I nodded.

"Then we have one hell of a song to finish writing, mate."


"How does Cinnamon Rolls sound right now?" Nana told us, as the three of us walked inside of the bakery.

We were closed today, but would sometimes drop by when we needed things to bring back home. But Nana decided to make us something to end the day well. 

"That sounds amazing, but are you going to need help?" I asked, putting Ron down.

"I'll be fine, you two just sit and keep yourselves busy.."

She walked towards the back to get the ingredients, as I followed behind Ron. He was making his way to one of the booth in the back by the windows. His hair was a bit messy from playing so much and his clothes were slightly wrinkled. 

"Are you feeling well today, Ronnie?" 

"I'm fine." 

I sat beside him in the booth and pulled him close to me, as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Do you want to color?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"Want to play tic tac toe?"

Ron still refused.

"How about w-"

"I don't wanna play! I want to rest!"

My eyes widened at his sudden outbust and watched as he hopped off my lap, and started to make his way back to the front. Ron has never acted up like this before, what the hell was going on? I got up from my seat and slowly went to follow him, but started to rushed when I heard Nana screaming.

Blinking was something done in seconds, and so was what I had to witness. 

My baby brother's unconscious body in our nana's arms.

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