chapter eight.

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"I feel so stupid.." I mumbled.

"Nonsense sweetheart, you look good." Nana smiled, happily clapping her hands.

"Nana, you have to say that. I'm your grand-daughter." I chuckled, nervously playing with my fingers.

"She isn't lying, Reese. You look great..stop being so insecure." Connie told me.

I kept opposing to go to the party, since I was already exhausted from dance class. But Connie was already at the house and had our outfits laid out. I ended up letting her straighting my hair, do my makeup and put anything on me. I didn't care, I just wanted to get this over with. It was already nerve-wrecking being in a classroom filled with people you can't stand, but imagine being in a house filled with them.

"We'll be back before curfew Nana, love you." 

Nana kissed both of us on the forehead and we gave Ron a hug, before leaving out the door.

"Y'know, we can always go to the pizza parlor and call it a night." I suggested.

"No way Reese, tonight is all about having fun."


Once we got there it had cars parked everywhere. It was almost like there was a celebrity living in town by the looks of it. There were people in the pool in the back, and the front door to Calum's house was wide open.

"I'm not cut out for this.." I breathed, turning on my heel to walk back home.

But Connie grabbed my wrist, pulling me back.

"You didn't even try to go in. Come on Reese, live a little." 

She linked our arms and guided us to the house. As we made it closer to the door, I can see people glaring at us. Some were saying things like, "Who invited them?" or "Why are those little shits here anyways?" My grip on Connie's arm tightened, making her look at me. 

"I wanna go home." I said quietly.

She ignored my plead, as she lead us into the house.

The sound of 'Started From The Bottom' blasted around the house. There was either people talking, making out or dancing in the middle of the room. It looked just like those parties the kids on the movies have when their parents are away. This wasn't anything I wanted to be around, but by the look on Connie's face she was enjoying ever bit of it.

"Connie, can we go home now?" I asked.

"Now why would you want to do that? You haven't even had fun yet.."

My eyes widened as I heard a deep voice, instead of Connie's. I quickly turned around to see Luke. He was wearing a Blink 182 tee, a pair of black jeans and black Converses. He was also wearing a black beanie, and had a red cup in his hand. 

Sweet baby jesus, he looked good.

"Where's Connie?" I asked, completely ignoring his question.

"She went to have fun. Which is the same thing you should be doing." He said, taking a sip from his cup.

"How can I have fun here when I don't know anyone here!" I fussed, taking a seat on one of the stools in the corner.

"That's the whole point of a party. You meet new people." Luke laughed.

"Well, I can't do that. I'm pretty much anti-social." I mumbled.

"You talk to me." He mentioned.

"That's because every-time I try to get out of your presence, you magically find some way to get back to me." 

"Is that bad?" He asked.

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