Movie Night - Stage Dorks

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It was an ordinary Saturday night, and Jeremy and Christine were cuddled up on Jeremy's couch watching a random Hallmark movie.

It was a weird drama about a summer wedding, but one of the bridesmaids was secretly in love with the bride, and the groom was falling out of love with his fiancée. They were about an hour into it, and Jeremy still had no idea what was going on.

The plot line made no sense, and he figured that it would most likely take a brain surgeon to even give him a clue to what was happening. He never really understood rom-coms, all he knew was that Christine loved them, and that was enough to keep his butt on the couch and his eyes on the screen.

Meanwhile, Christine was quite enjoying herself. She was warmly cuddled up with her wonderful boyfriend, watching a great movie, and, best of all, had a bowl of caramel corn in her lap. It was everything she needed for a perfect Saturday night.

However, as perfect as this all was, she couldn't help but notice that something was off about Jeremy. He was twitching a little bit, had barely touched the caramel corn, kept glancing between her and the TV, and seemed to be a sweating more than usual. So, out of love and care for her boyfriend, she paused the movie and turned to him, taking one of his hands into hers, doing her best to ignore how sweaty it was.

"Jeremy, what's wrong?" He turned his head to her, but had no clue what she was referring to. Did he do something? Nothing was wrong, he felt completely fine.

"Huh?" Jeremy cocked his head to the side, confused.

"You've been acting crazy weird all night, are you okay?" She looked up into his eyes, hoping to make everything in him right with the world.

"Yeah," Jeremy shrugged. "I'm alright."

"Then why do you keep twitching? And glancing off? And why are you so sweaty?!"

"Oh." Jeremy said, finally catching on and realizing what she meant. "It's just, I, well, I..." he glanced off awkwardly. "I have no fricking clue what's going on with this movie, and I'm like, breaking my brain trying to figure it out."

"That's all?" Christine asked. He softly nodded.
"Well, why didn't you say so?"

"I did, just now," Jeremy stated bluntly. Christine rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Want me to explain it to you?"

"Yes, very much so."

"So, it's about this girl..."


"So they're about to get married tomorrow?" Jeremy asked, trying to get his facts in line.


"And she's going to confess NOW?!"


"Oh my god!" Jeremy grabbed Christine by the shoulders, staring intensely into her eyes. "I need to know what happens, now!"

Christine laughed, picking up the remote and snuggling back up with her boyfriend, and her caramel corn.

What a perfect way to spend a night.

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