Airport - Expensive Headphones

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Requested by mangobrat


Micheal looked at the number scrawled on his wrist for at least the hundredth time. 219.

He had been in Japan to stay with an old friend for two weeks, his friend ran a bakery and needed the help around the house while his wife, who usually helped him run everything, was in Britain to visit her mother, who had fallen ill recently. His two weeks ended, and he was now stopped in Germany as he waited for his next flight.

Micheal had been happy to take a free vacation, he mostly worked from home anyway and needed a change of scenery. He mostly took care of his friend's kids and house, which he didn't mind doing at all. If anything, this trip had really helped him get his mind in the right place. He felt refreshed, and like he had seen a whole new part of the universe. It was nice.


Rich sat down next to some guy in a red hoodie and pulled out his phone, impatiently waiting for his flight number. He had decided to move to Japan and start a new life, since he couldn't seem to move on from the incidents back home. He had an old relative who lived in Japan for her work when she was young and had just decided to stay. He was moving in with her, permanently.

His eyes flickered to the hoodie guy, he looked rather familiar but Rich couldn't seem to place his finger on it. He tapped the guy on the shoulder.

Hoodie Guy took off his headphones.

"Yeah?" He looked at the man next to him. Suddenly the realization hit him.

"Wait... Rich? It's Micheal, we went to Middle Borough together, remember." He held out his hand for Rich too shake.

Rich's face broke into a grin. He was right! He shook Micheal's hand.


A conversation broke between the two, life, work, Jeremy(he'd been well and was now dating Christine), and why they were there.

As they spoke, Micheal found himself thinking over the ways Rich had changed. He wasn't any taller, but his hair was a simple blond now, no red streak. He also seemed to dress more professionally, and was wearing a simple blue sweater and khakis with grey shoes. The little bit of joy that he had in his eyes back in junior years was also gone, and Micheal guessed that the aftermath of the fire had stolen it from him. He glanced at the burn scars on Rich's neck, and something tugged at his heartstrings, he wanted to hold Rich, who he could see was barely inches away from falling apart, he wanted to tell him that there was nothing wrong with him, that he was beautiful, that he deserved the world, and not to be treated as a pariah, but as a friend. And so he did.

Rich broke into Micheal's arms. Micheal has somehow slipped all this into conversation, and Rich was now crying into the collar of Micheal's hoodie. Micheal ignored the stares from the people around them, focusing only on Rich. He gently kissed the burn scars, and Rich looked up at him in shock. Micheal wondered if he'd hurt the person he'd decided to heal, until Rich pulled him into a kiss by the collar of his hoodie, tears still streaming down his face.

Their kiss was broken by a loud voice.



Rich exchanged his ticket. Micheal made room in his apartment. And because of one little, sudden moment, Rich was no longer burning with shame whenever he looked at someone. Now, there was a bright fire in his heart.

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