By Moonlight - Boyf Riends

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Inspired by Arieyn's Celestial AU, fan-art and space themed song above.

Also, sorry for the wait, hope you enjoy. And my Grandma read it and said she loved it.

C'mon, Heere, you can do this.
Jeremy stared out at the open night sky, the sun had set, and, though it was hard for him to raise the moon, it was his job. However, he always had to ask Micheal Mell, the sun king, for help.

He didn't want help this time, he wanted to do it on his own. Christine had already put the stars up, too, so he needed to do this quickly.

Standing on a grassy hill, staring towards the starry sky, he concentrated, took a deep breath, and fixed his hand towards the horizon. He slowly felt something in him click, and he saw a little glimmer of silver just past the horizon. His heart jumped inside of him and a grin burst across his face.

As he kept his focus, the moon slowly inched its way up through the sky, and he managed to see at least half of it, but his hold weakened. Jeremy panicked, trying to keep his hold and not lose his progress. He thought he'd finally fixed his grip, but the moon sank down quickly.

He screamed. "AAAARRRGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! DAMN IT!!!" He felt crushed, but he was running out of time, the moon needed to be up already and it could screw around with Earth's gravity if he was late. It's not worth it to try again, just call for Mell, as always. He sighed, and was about to call for Micheal, when he heard a voice from behind him.

"Need some help, Heere?" Jeremy shrieked and whirled around, but relaxed upon seeing Micheal. 

"Yes, I-I,  I'm sorry, uh, thank you, Mr. Mell." He fidgeted awkwardly, embarrassed that he had both screamed in front of his colleague and failed at his job, again. Micheal smiled a soft and good-humored smile. 

"It's no trouble at all, happy to help, Heere." He laughed at his alliteration, Jeremy smiling awkwardly, hoping to make the situation less weird. Micheal raised his hand, Jeremy watching in awe as the moon rose gracefully into the sky.

"Well, uh, thank you, Mr, Mr. Mell," he said with a nervous smile. "I'm sorry, I know, know I need to do this on my own. I'll figure, figure it out soon, I-I promise." 

"Hey, no worries, Jeremy." he waved good-bye and turned to fly away. "See you tomorrow, dude."

"Yeah," Jeremy sighed. "Tomorrow." He sat cross-legged in the grass, waiting for someone to summon him to a dream. He was disappointed in himself, and was mortified that Micheal had to help him again. And so, he waited to be useful, staring at the moon that he longed to understand.

As Micheal was about to take flight, something in him pulled him down. He looked at Jeremy's crestfallen eyes, the soft frown to his lips, and the overall crushed aura about him. I have to do something, I can't just let him go on like this.

"Hey, Jeremy?" he called. Jeremy quickly stood up. 

"Yes, Mr. Mell?" Micheal bit his tongue. Mr. Mell, it drove him crazy, but he knew Jeremy would never drop the formalities.

"I know you're having trouble with raising the moon, so I was wondering if you'd like some help learning how, I'd be glad to teach you."

Jeremy's eyes grew wide, and Micheal noticed the little silver flecks that floated in the gentle blue. "Really, you'd help me?" 

"Of course, celestial bodies are hard to understand, and I know you really want to learn how to do it yourself." Jeremy nodded, a his heart fluttering at Micheal's generosity.

"Meet me here at five this morning, okay?"

 Jeremy nodded. "Ok-kay."

With that, Micheal grinned and took off into the sky, a golden wake shimmering behind him.


Jeremy paced around the grassy hill as he waited for Micheal to arrive. It was five-o-nine already, and Micheal still wasn't there. This is why I need to do things myself, it gets in other people's way! He was still a bit mad at himself, and hoped that Micheal hadn't forgotten, and tried to formulate an apology for wasting Micheal's time as he waited.

Just as the pocket watch on Jeremy's dress-shirt read five-seventeen, Micheal descended gracefully from the sky, his red cloak fluttering beautifully as he landed ever so perfectly on the ground.

"Sorry I'm late, I got lost on the way here, but at least I made an entrance right?" he joked. 

"It's fine, Mr. Mell. Th-thanks for help, helping me." He smiled lightly, glad to have Micheals good humor around him.

"Well, let's get started. Can you bring down the moon for me?" 

Jeremy nodded. "Sure." Bringing a body down was a lot easier than bringing one up. He raised his arm and gently lowered the moon out of sight. 

"Great, now, I know raising the sun is a bit different than raising the moon, but it's not any harder, I promise. So," he moved close to Jeremy putting his left hand on Jeremy's shoulder and the other on Jeremy's right forearm. "what you want to do is move quickly, so that you don't lose your hold." Jeremy nodded, trying not to think about the close proximity between them.

"Now, find the sun and pull, use all the strength you've got." Jeremy used his power to grasp the sun from beneath the Earth, and he felt his hold tightening around it. 

"You can do this Jeremy," Micheal whispered. "Give it all you've got, I believe in you."

Jeremy pulled, and pulled, and pulled with all his might. His eyes were shut tight and his lips pursed in concentration, and he could feel his strength draining, so when he opened them to see the golden sphere lighting up the sky, a feeling of euphoria flowed through him. As the sun leapt into its place, Jeremy's smile gleamed just as brightly. He felt exhausted, but happy at the same time.

"You did it, Jeremy!" Micheal picked him up and twirled him around, Jeremy laughing as he relaxed into Micheal's arms. He set Jeremy on the ground after a few seconds. "I'm so proud of you."

Jeremy wrapped his arms around Micheal's shoulders. "Thank you, I couldn't, I couldn't have done it w-without you."

"I didn't do anything, Jeremy," said Micheal as he wrapped his arms around Jeremy's waist, pulling him into a warm hug. "This was all you, and I'm very proud of you."

"Thank you, Micheal." Jeremy sighed, looking into Micheal's bright, golden-brown eyes. "Thank you, so much.

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