Dancing With You - McPricely

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AN: Happy New Year! Also dance season is in full swing right now, so here's a little something I thought of.

On a sunny Saturday in May, Kevin went to a dance recital with his friend, Chris, and he wasn't enjoying it. Chris dragged him along to support his sister, and Kevin only went because he had no plans and knew they would be going for ice cream afterwards.

He had found himself staring off into space, bored out of his mind when a dazzling soloist caught his eye. He was wearing a sparkling pink vest and a blue tie, and had the biggest smile Kevin had ever seen.

He was doing a series of incredible turns and leaps, and Kevin was awe-struck by the beautiful man on the stage.

Chris looked over at Kevin, who's lips lay slightly open and whose eyes were wide as saucers. He giggled as quietly as he could, and knew exactly the dancer Kevin had his eye on.


Since Chris had a season pass, Kevin went to the show again and again, always focusing on the red-headed soloist, whose movements seemed to grow more and more beautiful every time. This made him acknowledge something, something he hadn't felt in a long time.

He thought this man was amazing-the way he moved, his diamond smile, the captivating presence he held- and Kevin started to feel something.

He was feeling some very strange feeling, and despite what the world had told him about these feelings, he wanted to feel them.

After about five shows, he decided to muster up a little courage and talk to the guy, maybe even get his number.

Before the next show, Kevin went to a local florist shop and bought a bouquet of roses, excited to finally talk to his crush.


Connor peeked through the curtain as he took his place on stage before the show started, glad to see the smiling tall brunet that always came to the show and, even better, always focused directly on Connor. This sparked Connor's confidence, and he would always look directly at the man.

They would often make eye contact, and Connor would see the man's face turn a soft shade of red.

Suddenly, the house lights dimmed and the curtain rose. Connor put on his performance facial, and locked his body into its position.

As the music began, Connor felt his heart and body come alive, every note flowing through him and pour into his bloodstream. He felt his body become one with the rythme and felt the world disappear. All that mattered was the music and his movements.

Every leap, balance, and tour jette filled his heart more and more. His eyes met the dark brown ones of the man in the audience, and he felt his mind explode. His movements felt more fluid and controlled. The rest of the crowd faded away and it was just the man staring into his eyes, his face blushing with wonder and awe.

It was indescribable ecstasy, a beautiful feeling one could only gain by dancing. It was magical, beautiful, and unlike anything else.

Connor liked it.


"Remember when we met?" Connor asked, laying his head on Kevin's shoulder.

"Of course I do, and you some how look even more beautiful now," Kevin joked, kissing the side of Connor's face.

"You bought me roses, and I wanted to take you out for ice cream to return the favor, but you wanted coffee instead. It was so cute."

"Yes, well, I do love coffee, but I love you a million times more."

"I love you too, Kevin," Connor sighed. "Caffeine and all."

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