Part Of My Life - DEH

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This is based off of the DEH novel. Also, I saw DEH and it was amazing.


He wanted me to let him in. He wanted to see every part of me- the good, bad, and the ugly- and to still love it all. I was scared, I was so fucking scared.

But, he wanted to be a part of my life

and I wanted to give that to him.


We were sitting on my bed, and Miguel was just holding me, his arms wrapped around me as he rubbed my back, trying his best to calm my nerves. I looked up into his eyes, the lovely auburn orbs that always held me captive.

He gave me a half-smile. "Are you ready, Connie?" He ran his hand through his dark mop of chocolate curls.

"I don't know, I just hope everything works out, I don't want all this to just go to shit."

"I know," he kissed my forehead, and laced his fingers with mine. "But you have to try." He then lifted me off of his lap and stood up.

"Now, come on," he said with a smile, stretching his arms. "You can't introduce me to your parents without a shirt on."

I laughed. "You seemed to like it." I stepped close to him, kissing him on the cheek.

"Of course I do, but let's keep that private, huh?" He smirked as he tossed me a grey sweater, which happened to be the only thing in my wardrobe that my mom liked.

I laughed as I caught it, pulling the sweater over my head. I did a little twirl, like a little girl in a new dress, and Miguel chuckled. I have no idea how he does it, but when he laughs like that, all my worries melt away.

"You're adorable Connie." He ruffled my hair, and then turned with me to my bedroom mirror.

We sort of matched, he wore a grey button up and khaki's, and I had paired my sweater with the one pair of skinny jeans I had that didn't have rips.

"And you're hot," I said, taking his hand into mine as I kissed his forehead.

"You ready?" he asked, eyes shining with hope.

"Absolutely not." A grin spread across my face. "Let's do it."

six months later

"Hey, everybody!" Miguel yelled as he walked through the Murphy's front door.

Connor perked up at the sound of his boyfriend's voice, standing up from his drawing and rushing to wrap him in a hug.

Miguel pecked him on the lips as a cheerful woman walked into the room. "Miguel, so good to see you again!" She chirped, dusting her hands on her apron and rushing over to her son as she called out to her husband. "Larry, your favorite son is here!"

"Hey!" said Connor, with a joking glare on his face, earning a laugh from both Miguel and Cynthia.

Larry soon came down the stairs, followed by Zoe. "Hey, son!" he said in a way only suburban white dads can. "How's life?" He raised his hand for a high-five.

Miguel took it. "It's great! How's everything here?"

Connor smiled, watching his family jabber on with Miguel beside him.

Nope, that's not right.

It's not his family and Miguel.

It's just his family.

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