Chapter 14- I love my friends

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Marks Pov
Me and William pissing ourselves laughing at the girls.

"Haha fuck you wall...wait the walls are moving" Claire says looking at my chest and pokes once before they run.

"Please tell me you got all that on video" I say laugh

"All of it" josh laughs

"CATY" me and William yell in unison

"RUN" they shout and they are off.

"Shit" we groan at the same time knowing we need to chase after them

"Mark you go straight ahead I will come from the left and William you come from the right" josh says making us nod then take off running.

I spot the girls cuddles together front facing front doing a sidewards skipping thing making me bark out a laugh and notice the boys do the same with josh getting his phone in hand probably recording again. These two are nuts.

"Ahhh the walls" caty says
As we all get closer to them

"Oh caty look that walks got a handsome face on it. Hey wall" Claire says smile

"No bad Claire you can't flirt with the wall" caty says slapping her hand

"Why" Claire pouts

"Because you have mark silly" Caty laughs.

"But what if mark doesn't want to get into a relationship with me then can I get the sexy wall?" She giggles trying to touch my face making me smirk and the boys laugh.

"No claire no" caty stomps her foot

"Because you and mark will get back together so you have to stay single"

"How do you know. Your lucky you've got willy wonka"

"I just believe you will"

"Well I can't stay single for ages and ages. I'm lonely" she huffs

"Awww I'll be your boyfriend" caty says smiling



"I don't think that can happen

"Why? Don't you love me?

"Of course I do but your a girl and I like boys and we love each other different from that way silly

"Oooh well how about josh if mark doesn't hurry"

"We'll see there is a problem with that. Josh is really cute

Does she like josh? I think frowning to myself

"So the problem

"I don't like him that way and I'm setting him up with Sophie too but don't tell him that but yes he is really cute but not in the sexy sort of way to me more in the awww your really cute I want to squeeze your cheeks baby brother type way" Claire says proudly with a huge smile making us laugh.

"Yeah I think so too which is funny cause he doesn't even have chubby cheeks" caty giggles

"Oh I just remembered what did you and mark do last week in the kitchen?" Caty asks

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