Chapter 12- Dilemma

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Claire Pov
Its been a week since mark and our families found out about Marianna and it's such a relief I'm so glad he knows now. Mark did stay with me for a few days and it was nice we were getting to know each other again. I told him that even though we have both says we are in love with each other I think we should take things slow. Get to know the man and woman we are now because we were still kids back then a lot can change in 4 years. So we didn't even kiss or talk about feelings just acted like friends and it was actually really nice I don't actually know if I would want to change that now that we have became friends because if it does eventually turn into something else and we break up then we are going to lose each other completely and it will be forever this time.

I don't know I'm confused.

It's 7:30 in the morning and I've just got into my office and started my daily admin work as usual. It's supposed to be an easy day but I guess only time will tell.

Ring ring ring ring
"Hello caty What are you doing up at 8am on your day off?" I laugh.

"Claire I'm cancelling the wedding" caty hysterically cries.

"What on earth are you talking about" I question shocked

"I'm cancelling nothing is going right. The company we ordered the invitations and favours from still haven't sent them out yet. I've called and called and no one answered and now the number has been disconnected" she blubbers

"Shit" I say realising it was obviously a scam. It had to be!

"Everything is ruined, no one is going to come I don't have favours , the first florist cancelled the booking. It's ruined" she screams

"Ok Catherine look everything is going to be okay. You and William will get married in September this is just a few bumps in that journey I promise it will be ok" I say while leaning my head on my desk using her full name so she knows I'm serious.

"You promise?" She asks like a scared child

"I pinky promise and you know I don't break those" I smile

"Thank you Claire I don't know what I would do without you" she cries

"Well you would live a very sad life but you won't ever have to find out" I chuckle

"That is very true" she laughs

"Well I better go as I'm at work but I give me a call later and we can make plans okay" I say

"Ok thank you. Love you"

"Love you too caty" I say then hang up just then Lilly and Jane both walk into my office with coffee and files.

"Morning Claire" they both say with a smile.

"Morning ladies, I need to ask you both for your help" I ask them thinking they maybe know a company I could get for the invites.

"Okay?" They say

"Okay as you know my best friend caty is getting married. Well she ordered her wedding invites and favours from a company on line and it turns out it was a scam. She can't get a hold of anyone and the website has disappeared. So do any of you know a company around here that can do it?" I ask them with my fingers crossed under the desk.

"Oh no what a shame but I'm sorry Claire I don't know anyone" Lilly says.

"That's horrible but actually I could actually help" Jane says

"How?" I ask with a frown.

"I actually set up a little business from home called 'investing in love invites' well I say business but I set it up more for a hobby. I normally take order way in advance but I don't have any waiting so I could do them for you and can have them ready in a day or two" she says smile

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