Chapter 2- Shocked

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Mark pov
"No! C-Claire" I stutter shocked that she is standing in front of me. Her whole body freezes when she hears me speak then her eyes go wide and she gasps.

I hear Stevie whispering to her but don't catch what they say.

She lifts her head to look at me she looks even more beautiful. Shit! My eyes are probably as wide as hers and my heart beating rapidly in my chest. A stray tear rolls down her face making me follow its path with my eyes

"H-Hey m-mark" She stutters hoarsely due to clearly having a lump in her throat from trying to stop herself crying.

"Aww babe" I hear caty and Sadie mumble while looking at her wiping their own tears then looking between me and Claire again.

"Uhm Mark baby what's going on?" Rachel the girl I'm seeing says.


"Oh shit" Stevie mumbles and I notice he cuddles Claire more

"Uh...what?" I mumble still staring at the beautiful girl opposite me.

Fuck! What am I meant to say

Oh yeah this is my first love the girl that will always have half my heart. I don't think my new girl would like that

"Hey sorry I don't know your name but I'm Claire. Just ignore this balloon he used to do that all the time when he was shocked. We used to be best friends years ago" Claire says with a fake laugh and fake smile. Which is obvious to me it's fake and I'm sure the others too but Rachel won't notice. Slyly she wipes another stray tear the look in her eyes is the same as it was that day all those years ago. Making my heart break.

"Oh so how do you know each other exactly?" Rachel says starting to get an attitude with Claire for no reason.

What the fuck?

"Oh your looking at the old cheer captain and football captain from high school. Prom kind and queen and also don't forget for five years they were..."before Stevie could finish Claire humps in.

"For five years we were just best friends. But we lost contact a long time ago" Claire says making me look into her eyes again and notice she gives a sly nod.

Why is she saying that?

Forget it I know why she is saying it, it's because she doesn't want to cause anything between me and Rachel.

Shit this must be hard for her to see, I know I sure as hell wouldn't like to see her with another guy.

"Oh so you were the school slut?" Rachel sneers at her making me look at her shocked I could feel my anger bubbling up inside.

"WHAT?" The Guys say looking really pissed

"What the fuck did you just say" caty growls

"Listen here you cheeky..." Sadie didn't get to finish since Claire interrupted her.

"Guys please it's fine.Yep that's me" Claire says making us all look at her shocked

"Claire no it's fucking not" Stevie growls

"Claire why the fuck are you saying that" caty looks shocked but also angry like she is ready to rip Rachel's head off.

"Thought so. I mean it's obvious" Rachel says once again leaving me shocked and pissed.

"What the fuck gives you that idea like?" Caty shouts

"Yup that's me I was the school slut. Always went around and never had a relationship in my life" Claire says trying to make Rachel believe it.

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