Chapter 29

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"Oh my god, there he is!" Lily whispers to herself, jumping out of the car and running across the parking lot to the tour van that was just pulling up.

Kurt jumps out of the car before Krist had even put it into park and Lily runs into his arms.

"I missed you so much" She whispers, squeezing him as hard as she could.

"I did too" He murmurs, breathing in the scent of her hair, the smell he'd missed so much.

"I love you" She says, right before she kisses him. He kisses her back deeply and intensely, trying to make up for the past three weeks as quickly as possible.

"I'm so glad we're home" He says after a few seconds, breathing heavily and taking her hand in his.

"How was the drive here?" She asks, slightly breathless herself.

"Agony" He replies and she laughs and kisses him again. Her laugh was the most beautiful sound he'd heard in weeks.

"I'm glad I decided to make the trip out here then" She grins, before turning and greeting the rest of the Nirvana camp.

Even as she's greeting all of her friends that she hadn't seen in weeks, her and Kurt can't keep their hands off of one another. Being apart from each other had been so hard for them, their souls were so deeply connected at that point that separation felt like a piece of themselves was missing from their body and being near one another again truly made them feel whole.

They walked around the backstage area with their arms resting on the small of one another's backs, smiles on their faces the entire time.

The rest of the band and the crew couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between the backstage area when Lily was there versus when she wasn't. The energy was much happier and the air almost seemed lighter, no one could deny the good Lily did for Kurt and the band's wellbeing.

During the show Lily goes out into the crowd and moshes with the rest of the audience, she had missed the environment at the shows too much to just drift around backstage waiting for Kurt to finish.

Afterwards she and Kurt take a car back to a hotel room in Seattle and have sex more intense than they'd had in months. They had missed each other so much it was as though their bodies were just as eager to see one another and their connection was indescribable.

Kurt lay in Lily's arms as she traced the contours of his face, looking at all the curves and details that she loved so much.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" She whispers as she stares into his eyes and he nods. They had been planning over the phone for weeks to look at houses during the few days he was back in Seattle, before they left for Europe.

"Very excited. We need to get a place up here already" He nods, kissing her fingers as they pass over his mouth.

"I know, I hate hotels. I want a home base again."

Lily was slightly concerned at the prospect of them buying a house together, but between them being evicted from their apartment in Olympia and the fact that they were already engaged, it didn't seem like such a crazy thing to do at this point.

Mostly she just couldn't believe they were in a financial situation where they could buy a house in their early twenties; if you'd asked her two years ago Lily wouldn't have even believed she'd be able to afford a studio apartment in Seattle at this time in her life.

"The realtor sounded really excited about the places he had for us when I talked to him on the phone" She says and Kurt smiles.

"I'm glad, I hope he has good taste. He doesn't really know much about us." He says, sounding skeptical.

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