Chapter 26

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for understanding and letting me take an extra week to get this to you! I hope you all enjoy, I can't believe Nevermind is already coming out in ~the alternate timeline~ where Kurt and Lily live. Thank you all so much for everything, I love all your comments and messages so much!!

"This is so boring" Kurt says to Lily, barely bothering to cover up his microphone. It was the band's third straight day of interviews and while she understood his frustration, it was still his job to do this.

"Sssh, you're literally on air" She whispers, motioning to the studio around them.

"So Kurt, do you have a favorite memory of recording the record?" Asks the DJ and Kurt doesn't even look at the guy as he responds.

"No" He says into the mic before shouting at no one in particular, "Do you have any food in here?"

"I got one..." Krist jumps in, saving the interviewer the embarrassment of being blown off.

Nirvana's publicist for the day, the endlessly patient Lisa, quickly asked the station manager if they had any food. A few minutes later a pizza appeared and Kurt immediately grabs the box.

"Hey, Dave, you want a slice?" He yells, interrupting Dave who was dutifully answering a question from the DJ.

Dave nods and grins as Kurt throws a piece of pizza across the control room at him, narrowly missing his head.

"You are such an asshole!" Lily whispers in his ear and he laughs, winking at her.

Soon enough the interview was done and the band was on their way to the release party for the record.

While Lily was trying to skillfully change into her dress in the backseat, Kurt and the guys were already working on getting drunk. Each person in the car, minus their publicist, was handed their own personal bottle of liquor.

"Are you ready for a fucking bender Hopper?" Kurt asks her with a glint in his eye, "Because I've got news for you...I'm not stopping until the first show of the tour" He adds and she laughs, wondering if he's serious (the tour didn't start for exactly a week).

"I'll pray for you sweetheart" She laughs, clinking her bottle with his and then mouthing to Krist, 'watch him.'

Once they get to the bar Kurt and the boys are good for a while, obediently schmoozing the music industry people and thanking all those they needed to thank. Lily stood by the bar with Carrie Montgomery and Mark Arm, careful not to interfere or insert herself into the band's big night.

She laughed with her old friends and hugged everyone she spoke too. It seemed everyone she'd ever met in the Seattle music scene was there, even Bruce and Jon from Sub Pop were DJing. (She was especially excited to find out that Quinn Johns had been turned away at the door not once, but twice).

About two hours in Kurt grabs Lily and pulls her into a photobooth, closing the curtain behind them.

"Sorry but this is the only place we could be alone, and you looked too beautiful to not do this" He says breathlessly, leaning forward and kissing her aggressively, hungrily almost.

"You're drunk" Lily giggles as he kisses her neck and pulls down the straps of her tight satin dress.

"You're really pretty" He replies with a smile, "How did I land someone as pretty as you?"

Lily rolls her eyes and kisses him back passionately but just as things get more interesting the curtain to the photobooth is thrown open.

"Kurt! I've been looking everywhere for you, the DGC execs want to talk to you now" Says their manager, and Kurt doesn't say anything for a moment, instead just staring at him irately.

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