Chapter 27

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A few weeks later the band was in the midst of the first major US tour Lily had joined them on. She was as thrilled to be there as everyone was to have her and was adjusting wonderfully to life on the road. Her and Kurt were as happy as they'd ever been, so were Krist and Shelli--and as always Dave spent a second without a smile on his face.

"Lil you make the best pillow in the world, I'm telling you—I don't know how you do it" Dave says as he snuggles into her shoulder on the way to Chicago and Lily rolls her eyes.

"Dave didn't Lily just set you up with a new girlfriend... I don't think you should be talking to my fiancée like that, stick to your own" Kurt teases, pretending to punch Dave in the arm.

"You boys are so territorial" Lily fires back, grinning at both of them.

"Dave is right, don't be selfish Kurt. Lily is the best pillow in our motorcade." Krist says and Shelli shoves him, "Except you sweetie" He adds and then everyone laughs.

"You don't have time to sleep anyway D, we're almost at the venue" Shelli says as they turn a corner and pull up to a nondescript stage door.

Once they get out of the car the entire posse goes through the familiar motions of unloading the equipment into the venue and prepping for sound check. Lily and Shelli both now acted as sort of roadies/tour managers for the group, since they'd both been to as many shows as most of the crew at this point.

"Hey Craig, be careful with the drums, they're about to fall apart." Lily reminds their sound guy when he picks up part of the set.

"Copy that" Craig says as he walks inside.

"I don't understand why he won't let me get a new kit," Dave says, flicking his cigarette in the direction of the tour manager, "This thing is fucking wrecked."

"Isn't the record label guy coming tonight?" She asks as they both carry in some amps.

When Dave nods she continues, "He's the one with the credit card and expense account, destroy the kit tonight and he'll have to buy you guys a new one. He has the resources, and it won't even seem like you're trying to do it just because he's there—you guys are known for destroying instruments. Its kind of perfect"

"You're completely right Lil!" He cries, picking her up and spinning her around, "You're a genius!"

"What'd she do this time?" Asks Kurt as he wanders closer to them. Lily thinks she might sense a hint of annoyance in his tone but decides to ignore it.

"Kurt, dude, she came up with the perfect idea..." Dave begins, going on to explain what Lily had just said about the label guy and Kurt forces a grin.

"It is perfect" Kurt replies emotionlessly.

"Lets make sure nothing is left in the van" Lily suggests and they walk back out to the alley.

"So what do you think the crowd will be like tonight? If its anything like—" She begins but he cuts her off with a kiss.

"I love you" He whispers.

"I love you too" She replies, cupping his cheek in her hand.

"We should go somewhere" He suggests, nuzzling her neck.

"I have an idea—I'll get anything left in the car, you go in and do a quick soundcheck, then we have until the actual show to do anything we want, we just have to tell Dave he can't come to the room for a few hours"

"You are full of good ideas today, I'll see you in 10, 15 minutes" He says, giving her one last, fleeting kiss and turning towards the backstage.

Lily goes into the van and makes sure all the stuff the band needs is out of it. Just as she's closing the doors she looks and sees Kurt standing by the door talking to two girls in denim skirts and cropped Nirvana shirts.

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