Chapter 10

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"So the new drummer is in the crowd?" Lily asks, standing on her tiptoes to look for the person Kurt and Krist had described only as 'lanky as hell.'

"Yeah, keep your voice down though. Dan doesn't know about him" Kurt says, referring to Nirvana's current drummer, and Krist rolls his eyes.

"Kurt, Dan isn't even here yet" Shelli says, opening up a beer for Lily and then one for herself.

"So how was your rehearsal today?" Lily asks, referring to earlier when they had showed Dave around Seattle and tried him out on drums for the first time.

"Dude he's so fucking amazing" Krist says and Kurt nods enthusiastically.

"Lily I swear to god, he's is the best drummer I've ever heard. I've never seen someone hit the drums harder—he's like an animal" Kurt adds.

"That's awesome!" Lily squeals, excited that Kurt and Krist have finally found the missing piece of the puzzle.

She watches the waits around backstage until the openers have finished and its time for Nirvana to go on. Her and Shelli go back into the crowd and watch their boyfriends's play from the pit.

The show is one of the most insane Lily's seen in her short tenure as a Nirvana super fan. Kurt was screaming the lyrics basically, barely singing. Nirvana gigs always had stage divers but this was the first time she'd seen absolutely no inhibitions, both from Kurt and audience members.

At one point Kurt was playing guitar on his knees, at another he was playing on his back. Lily couldn't be completely sure but she thought that at another point he had to sit down because he was so moved by the reaction he was getting.

Even though he wouldn't admit it to the general public, Lily knew acceptance from Seattle was a huge deal to him, and she could understand exactly why. Coming from Aberdeen, no matter how cool you felt, it was hard to shake the feeling that you were an outsider and a hick. Having this much energy at a gig, having promoters hail the show double-billed with the Melvin's and Nirvana as 'hometown heroes' was a huge deal for Kurt. She understood completely why he was so emotional.

After the gig they rush backstage to greet the band. Lily and Shelli both immediately launch themselves into the arms of their significant others, screaming congratulations to both of them at once.

"That was incredible Kurt" Lily cries as she kisses him, while all the other people backstage boo and hiss teasingly at their public displays of affection.

"Thanks Lil" Kurt says, seeming embarrassed but also displaying an ear-to-ear smile.

"'In Bloom,' was unbelievable. Really, I knew they'd love it but seriously for one of your first times playing a song live that was the most insane reaction" Lily says to both Kurt and Krist.

They thank her and then sit down for a minute on the dressing room couches in order to catch their breath.

Lily sits next to Kurt and whispers, "So what now?"

"I think Dave is coming back for a minute to say hi" Kurt whispers.

"Dave sounds like a drummer name" Lily giggles, "I feel like I've met a million drummers named Dave."

"I guess it does" Kurt muses, lighting a cigarette and putting his arm around her shoulder.

A few seconds later a tall, lanky (Kurt and Krist were right), guy with dark hair that was blonde at the ends and striking features walks through the dressing room door. Lily recognizes him immediately.

"Hey guys great show!" He says excitedly and both Shelli and Lily stand up to greet him. Shelli introduces herself first and then comes Lily's turn.

After The Party (A Kurt Cobain fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon