Chapter 23

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"Well, well, well" Wendy says as she opens the door, "Look who it is"

"Hey Wendy" Says Lily, leaning in and giving her a hug. From behind Wendy, Kurt's younger sister Breanne runs out to greet him.

"Kurty!" She screams at the top of her lungs, as he picks her up and swings her around.

"I missed you so much kiddo" He says, kissing her and holding her on his hip.

"How was California? Did you go to Disney World?" She asks, "Did you go to on the rides like you said you would?"

"He did! He rode all the rides three times, exactly like he promised he would" Lily says, winking at her.

"Next time I go I'll have mom bring you with us and I'll take you on all the rides you want. How does that sound?" He asks and Breanne grins.

"Promise?" She asks and he nods seriously.

"I promise" He replies, linking his pinkie with hers and kissing it tenderly.

He sets her down, gives his mom a hug and then they sit down on the couch.

Breanne sits in Kurt's lap while Wendy cooks dinner. While Wendy moves in and out of the kitchen they go over any interesting events of their trip, leaving out anything that might make his mother worried.

"Well it sounds like you guys had a very interesting few weeks" Wendy says as she puts the chicken in the oven.

"The album is amazing Wendy, you'll be so proud" Lily says, reaching out and squeezing Kurt's hand.

"Oh I don't know about that, I've never really understood his music." Wendy says and Lily's smile falters a little, she isn't really sure how to react to that.

"Its ok mom" Kurt says with a shrug. Lily bites her lip but doesn't say anything back; she hated that Wendy had just disregarded something Kurt had worked so hard on but didn't want to make a big deal about it if Kurt didn't want to either.

Kurt continues playing with Breanne's hair and tickling her until she screams, both of them grinning all the while. Lily's heart swells as she looks at them, she knew how much Kurt utterly adored his little sister and seeing them together made her so happy.

After about a half an hour the doorbell rings and Wendy jumps up, "That must be your family!" She cries excitedly.

Sure enough on the other side of the door stood Lily's family, younger siblings and all.

"Hi guys!" Lily yells enthusiastically as they walk through the threshold.

She runs to her mom first, throwing her arms around her. She hadn't seen her family since April's recital before they left for California.

"Hi" Lily whispers into her mom's shoulder, "I missed you"

"I missed you too Lily" Her mom whispers back. Lily hugs her back tightly and then separates and greets the rest of her family.

Lily hugs her dad and younger sister as Kurt picks up her brother Teddy.

Lily watches Kurt out of the corner of her eye as he danced around the room in circles with the toddler, trying to make him laugh.

"You're so good with kids" Lily whispers into his ear and Kurt laughs.

"One thing on a time" He says, kissing her cheek and she wraps her arm around him.

"Thank you for inviting us Wendy" Lily's dad says a few minutes later as they sit down at the dinner table.

"We'd have you any time" Wendy says with a huge smile, "But actually Lily and Kurt requested your presence tonight, they wouldn't tell me why though" She adds with a pointed look at Lily and Kurt.

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