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I threw all the comics Felix gived me on him.

Minho: Take them back! Because of this I ... I ... hit Jisung..

Hyunjin and Felix jumped on me with a shock reaction.

Hj & Fx: You what!

Minho: Because of you!...he called you faggot..

Felix: That bitch--

Minho; Ya!

Felix: That little bitch--

Minho; Felix!

Felix: It's not my fault, you like it, you're gay. You are the first one who asked me for them!

Minho: For just one!

Felix: Cmon, I know you like all I sent you.

I gave him that look.

Felix: You see?

Minho: Felix! ... stop ... I can't describe you how much I want to choke myself for doing it.

Hyunjin: Make up to him. We will help you.

I looked surprised at Hyunina. Why he would help me. He likes me, and I would never try to help Jisung to get that girl ... but maybe he don't want to lose me just like I don't want to lose Jisung.

Minho:...Thanks Hyunjin...

I smiled at him.

When the day at school was over, I waited for Jisung in front of the school door because I told him that I would wait for him to we go together somewhere. Hyunjin told me that there is opening of a new game shop, and that would be great idea to bring Jisung there. I looked at my watch, It ringed for the end of his last class but I didn't see him. I looked around the students coming out, but I didn't see him. I waited, it was over half an hour. I ran  back into the school and saw that there was nobody, but I ran on Jisung's friend.

Minho: Jeongin! Did you see Jisung?

Jeongin: Wow! calm down..

That's right I should calm down.

Jeongin: And yes! I saw him.

Minho: Where!...Um ... Sorry ..... Can you tell me where?

Jeongin: He went out with Eunho.

Minho; W-what .....

Jeongin: Bye Minho!

He left me.... broken.

How can my heart  broken all the time?....Isn't already broken?...

I took out the phone and called him. The phone rang continuously until he picked up.

Minho: Jisung!---

Minho: Yes?..

I heard Eunho's voice from Jisun's phone. She ... use his phone? I can only use his phone when I am right next to him. He strictly take care of his phone because his mother is not able to afford him a new phone.

Minho: Where is Jisung?

Eunho: He went to the toilet. What do you need?

Minho: Where are you?

Eunho: We are on a date so don't try to distribute us.

Minho: Can you tell him ....I..I'll wait him at our special place---

She ended the call and it hurts me. Why didn't Jisung tell me to go and not wait for him. We have already agreed to go together. And I have to accept fact that he went on his first date. His first date ... I always wanted to be the one who will take him on the first date, take his first kiss and his first time....

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