Day 3: Sensory Deprivation

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This wasn't usually Steve's scene (he wasn't much of the party type anymore) but Jonathan, surprisingly, had told him about the party when he told his friend about his particular taste when it came to sex. He's not sure how Jonathan knows about this stuff and he really doesn't want to know for that matter. For the most part it's a very normal party except the people here and there that he passes with collars placed neatly on their neck or the ones kneeling next to the ones their partners as they talk with other people. He's been there for a while and made a few new acquaintances but he doesn't think he'll be taking anyone home tonight.

"Well if it isn't King Steve." He heard someone say behind him. He turned to find Billy Hargrove just a few feet away from him. He went to high school with Billy back home in Hawkins and it was pure hell. Billy pretty much terrorized anyone and everyone. For a while Steve thought he was just an asshole but then one day Neil Hargrove was getting arrested and charged with child abuse and Billy was gone for the last few months of school. Out of curiosity Steve looked it up a few years later and found a few articles stating how Neil verbally and physically abused Billy- and only Billy- for years, most of Billy's life actually. It didn't make how Billy treated everyone else okay but it made Steve think that maybe he wasn't a total asshole.

It's been a few years since they graduated but Steve would be lying if he said he never did or doesn't find Billy attractive. His blonde curls had gotten longer, reaching past his shoulders, and his blue eyes seem brighter, happier. His eyeliner was lighter than how he used to do it in high school and he had gotten more piercings, his ears glittering with silver. He still wore those earrings that dangle though and tonight they matched the set of necklaces he was wearing. He had on a red, silk shirt and black skinny jeans. He looked good.

"It's been a while." Steve responded. "I'm guessing you're looking for a sub."

"Nope." Billy smirked. "A dom." Steve's eyes widened a bit. "Shocker I guess."

"I- um." Steve stuttered. "Well I was looking for a sub if, I don't know, maybe..."

"You want me to be your pet, Stevie?" Billy asked and though his tone was teasing, his eyes were serious.

"Yeah..." Steve breathed.

"Lead the way then." Billy responded with a smirk, his eyes gleaming. They ride back to Steve's house in his car, Billy having rode to the party with some friends, and spend the drive discussing kinks. Steve's a bit jeetery, nervous because Billy got under his skin in the best way.

When they get to Steve's house he didn't hesitate to place a kiss on Billy's lips once they enter.

"The bedroom is the second door on the right, I want you stripped and waiting. Can you do that?" Steve spoke. Billy's body relaxed with a sigh and there was a different look in his eyes- something open...vulnerable.

"Yes, Steve." He answered. There's a change in his voice as well, it's not dripping in sarcasm or sultriness or hate. It's softer, kinder. Steve nodded and moved to let him pass. He gave Billy a few minutes, locking up the house again and steeling his nerves before making his way to his bedroom. Billy sat kneeling at the foot of the bed, naked as the day he was born.

'He's gorgeous.' Steve thought as his eyes ran over tan skin.

"What's your safeword?" Steve asked.

"Camero." Billy answered automatically.

"And mine?"


"Good." Steve praised, letting his hand run through golden curls. "You said orgasm denial is something you really like, we won't do anything to advance but I'd like to play with you in that aspect, are you okay with that?"

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