Doctor Law x Emotionless Reader

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"Good morning (Y/N)-ya, how are we feeling today?" - A handsome dark skinned doctor sat across from your seat with some papers in hand, which he laid on the table between you, while you entered the room and sat.

"Good morning Law. The usual." - Void of emotion, you sat calmly and stared at the young doctor's face - "You?"

"I've had my coffee, so I'm good." - His smile hid a dark side few could recognize, by now you were one of them, you had the misfortune of witnessing his cranky morning side a couple of times before, that only made you closer to the doctor - "I see we've dropped the formalities... that's good."

"I thought about what you said, so I stopped." - You shrugged your shoulders absent minded, observing the familiar room in which you met with the devilish handsome doctor every three days - "I'm sorry for making you feel old and unatractive."

Law's left eye twitched as the rest of his face remained impassive...

"How are your parents?" - The question soured your mood, he almost did it on purpose.

"Paranoid." - You only needed one word to describe them.

"Have you thought about confronting them with the truth?" - Law's expression started to darken while yours remained the same cold stone since the beginning.

"I don't know what's true anymore... they might just be right. They're my parents after all, they know me better than anyone..." - Your lonely eyes locked with his burning passionate ones for a duel.

"I'm your doctor, I know you better than you might think." - He took the warm coffee mug with the letters 'best mom' to his lips and sipped, most probably coffee - "And I know the world isn't ready for people like you and I, so let's make them ready... Also, you shouldn't live in hiding."

"I'm not hiding, I'm here."

He glared, displeased with your lack of effort, and lowered his mug to his lap, holding it with both hands.

"You know what I mean, (Y/N)-ya..." - For some reason you felt unconfortable under his dissapointed stare, your emotions were starting to surface... - "If you keep this up... you know the repercussions..."

"I won't see you again..." - Your head slightly lowered, hiding your face in the shadows, gave you a sense of protection.

You two remained in silence for a brief moment, each thinking of how you'd play this game. After a few more pointeless repetitive questions the time came to say goodbye and go on with your morning... you left the building too afraid to think of the future and kept walking, forgeting the last moments.

"You're no longer seeing that doctor, we'll appoint you to a new one in no time!" - Your parents freaked out in front of you, pacing around in the living room, cursing doctor Law for his supposed 'unprofessional way of dealing with your problems'.

Apparently your parents didn't like being contradicted, not even when the doctor was trying to tell them how their daughter was not an emotionless psycopath. Their ego was too big, it blinded them... nothing new there...

You agreed to see another doctor and left to your room to rest.

The next morning you walked to and from school like usual, at lunch you decided to take a longer route, only then a tall slender familiar figure blocked your path.

Trafalgar D. Water Law x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now