Law (D.I.D.) x Reader

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D.I.D/Dissociative Identity Disorder - is a mental illness that 'splits' someones personality into many other that grow separatly. This is caused by a trauma so big the child's brain 'divides'/'creates' other personalities in order to survive. There can be more than one 'personality' leading the body/awake at the same time.

Host - is the original personality (in most cases) and the one in most control of the body and is mostly out. He/she is protected by other personalities. He/she doesn't have trauma memories.

Alters - are the other personalities, they're considered to be completely different people from the host since the body changes too with them and they have different memories, therefore learn to be different people through circumstances in life. They come out when something triggers them and can be good or bad depending on what memories they hold of their lives. Not all alters are bad, good, human, have the same gender, age with the body, have trauma memories, have the same allergies, same voice, same likes/dislikes/fears, etc.

Protector - this is a type of alter, there are many types: child, protector, non-human, etc. This type is essencially made to protect the host from the trauma memories and during life, for example when they have a problem, their protector alter will most likely come out and solve it. So basically every time they feel threatned/triggered, etc.

Dissociating - everyone does this. It is when we 'zone out', our brain is 'resting'. For someone with D.I.D. it happens way more frequently and that is abnormal, it causes/helps the 'switching' between alters/hosts.

'Cohabiting' - it is a stage where the alters and the host can 'cohabit' inside the mind, it can be just two or more of them. They may only hear, see, smell, etc while the one in control is 'out'/piloting the body, therefore having that personality's memories and being able to comunicate inside the mind. But there are also times when they can control a part of the body. So doen't surprised if you see someone with DID and his leg and arm are fight while the rest of them is normal. Probably two alters are fighting inside.

I'm no doctor, so to understand it better pls do some research, its a very interesting and uprising topic!

Characters: Law (Host), Happy Law (Alter), Lazy Law (Alter) x Reader (girlfriend)

You ran, as if your life depended on it, your weak heart slamming inside your chest at a dangerous speed, threatning to escape at any moment.

You glanced at your watch.


'Only five minutes left!' You thought.

Pleading once more for your trembling legs not give up on you, you quicken your pace, making your way out the subway and through the crowded street.

People shouted curses at you as you shoved them out of the way, but you didn't care, only he mattered... they mattered to you.

Just a few more steps, a turn and a quick run straight, and you'd meet the loves of your life... 

Not just one, but three! You had been blessed with three loving boyfriends!

Once again, checking the time, the clock hit 12:00 exactly when you took a turn. Looking ahead you saw him/them...

Your eyes scanned his tall, slender figure, in search of any signs of disconfort or mood swing...

He appeared to be in trance...

You resumed your scan when a sigh left your lips as your body unconsciously slowed down and a relaxed smile took over your lips.

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