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~Tyler's POV~

Marcy was sleeping when the doctor pushed his way through the squeaky door.

Doctor- Tyler. I have some paper work for her when she wakes up. Her prescription will be ready In an hour.

Tyler- thanks, but when will she be able to come home?

Doctor- if she feels ok, tomorrow

He talked to me for a while, then left.

I just don't understand why this happened in the first place. They never found out what happened to her.

Idiots. They are supposed to know what's wrong with people. They go to a fancy collage and get a fancy piece of paper, and yet they know nothing.


I opened the passenger door to my car and helped Marcy out of the car.

Marcy: I could of done it my self!

Tyler: but I did it for you!

We he spoke as we walked our way to my place.

It felt like I haven't spoke to her in years. It wasn't much at all. But it meant the world to me.

Marcy: open the door I'm exhausted!

Tyler: one sec geez.

She looked at me and we both started laughing.

I put the key in the door and turned the knob.

We walked in and Marcy turned on the lights.

???: SUPRISE!!!!

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