Chapter eleven

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Marcy's POV~

Tyler: I love you Marceline lee Taylor

Right now all I can do is scream in my mind. Tyler just said he loved me! And I can't get any thing out of my mouth I'm so shocked. I have to be dreaming.

Tyler: I get it... You don't feel the sa..

Marcy: Tyler shut up!

And then I just crashed my lips against his.. He is so oblivious... I broke the kiss.

Marcy: Tyler your so oblivious. I love you... I always have. And I always will. I just didn't want to say anything.

And at this he grabbed me up and held me and I fell asleep.

Tyler: wake up sleepy head.

I woke up to a Tyler kissing me. Right now my life is great.

~Tyler's POV~

I couldn't ask for any thing else. I had Marcy, my family, and YouTube.

After me and Marcy got up and ate breakfast we decided we would tell my fans, that Myler was now real.

To them we were a thing long before we shared outlets feelings.

Tyler: are you ready to film?

Marcy: of course! Your fans are going to be so exited!

And so I pulled out my camera and mounted it on my tripod... Here we go. And I pressed record.

Tyler: why hello my fello potatoes... I no it's saterday but I couldn't wait until Thursday to tell you the news!!!

Soon Marcy popped into the view of the camera.

Tyler: you guys it's official Myler is a thing!

And I kissed her on the cheek.

And I ranted on a little about future videos and...

Tyler: see you later taters... Goood byee.

Then me and Marcy both covered the lense with our hands.

Marcy: Tyler I love you so much.

Tyler: I love you more to infinity and beyond.

I kissed her, deep with passion. I wrapped my arms around her waist....

I looked at her and somthing didn't feel right. Her face went white, she started to get heavy.

Tyler: MARCY!!!

~Marcy's POV~

Tyler was wraped around me, kissing me deeply and I didn't want it to stop

But I started to get cold and weak.

And then it all went black.


Sorry for the short chapter guys I have writers block :(

And the story hit 300 reads!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much

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Also spred the word of forever and always I need more reads.

Have an amazing day


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