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"Tyler honey. You need to get up and do something with yourself." Tyler's mom put her head gently on Tyler's door awaiting an answer. She knocked on his door hoping that he was awake. ''Ty, it's been three months. You know they're still looking for her. Promise me that you won't do anything stupid'' still silence. She started tearing up and backed away from the door.

Everything is gray on the outside and black within. And nothing makes since anymore.
For the past three months my life has been hell on earth and in soul. She filled a void that no one could.

I looked out of my window and seen nothing but clouds. Dark dreary clouds that shown how shitty the world has been since she disappeared. As I was starting out I noticed a strange black SUV pull into my moms drive way.

I've been living with her because she wants me safe. As if I can't protect myself but I feel like she meant something else.

The stranger knocked on the door and was wearing an fbi uniform. At this point I knew what he was going to say. It was written all over his face. That look that said the love of your life was killed by a crazy man, and found rolled up in a bloody rug on the side of the road.

I looked at that man and he just stared at me. With so much emotion and empathy in his eyes I wanted to throw up.

I thanked him as he drove away. For bringing me closure.

I ended my life that night. Nothing made sense anymore but I'll get to be with Marcy again.

I'm sorry.

Wellllllll guys. It's done. Let me know any ideas you have for a new book.
Let me know what you think of the ending


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