Chapter ten

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~Marcy's POV~

I woke up to Scott knocking on the door.

Scott: Marcy are you ready to go?

Marcy: give me ten minutes.

I rushed to get dressed and did my hair and that kinda stuff.

I walked out of the room, walked outside then both me and Scott got in the car. We started driving.

Scott: Marcy can I tell you somthing.

Marcy: of course.

I bet he's going to ask me out. It starts with 'can I tell you somthing' and you get where it goes from there.

Scott: I don't mean to be rude but you can't stay at my place any more. Josh is being an ass and told me to tell you that you can't stay.

Marcy: it's fine. I'll ask Tyler.

Scott: I hope this doesn't do any thing to us I mean do you still want to be my girlfriend.

Marcy: Scott we went on one date. I wasn't your girlfriend to begin with. Just take me to your place after work so I can get my car.

I was pissed I didn't want to have to ask Tyler if I can stay. But it is was it is.

And I can't belive Scott he is such an ass.

Tyler was right. I'm just scared to stay with him because I don't want my feelings to slip out.

I love my best friend. I love... Tyler.


I was waiting tables when Scott spilled drinks every where.

Scott: Marcy can you take care of this table

Marcy: sure... I guess

I better get a good tip!

I walk to the table. There was a girl with pink and blue hair sitting all alone.

She looks familiar. Wait is that...

Marcy: Katie?

Katie: Marcy!! Omg!!

She jumped up and hugged me.

Katie was my best friend when I lived in Indiana. But we both moved. I haven't seen her in 5 years.

Katie: I can't believe this when did you move here.

Marcy: after you moved to New York. When did you get here?

Katie: about a month ago. Hey when you get off of work would you want to come over and catch up.

Marcy: of course!

And after that I took her order and 5 hours later me and Katie got in her car and picked up my car from Scott's.

Then I followed Katie to her apartment.

Marcy: I love your place!!

Katie: thanks. So what's new?

Marcy: well I got robbed so I have know clue where I'm going to stay, I'm going to ask Tyler, my best friend but he's pissed that I stayed with Scott, oh and I'm also in love with Tyler so that's another reason I don't want to stay with him.

Katie: wow that's a lot of commotion girl. And if you want you can stay with me.

Marcy: that's really nice of you but I don't want to impose so I'm just going to ask Tyler.

Katie: if you say so, and it sounds like Tyler is jealous.

Marcy: I don't thank so.

After that we talked for a long time and watched a movie and just hung out like old times.

After two hours I left and was driving to Tyler's.

I took out my phone and called him.

Marcy- Ty can I stay with you for a while.

Tyler- you dont have to ask Mar just come over.

I talked to him for a while and after a while I was there.

~Tyler's POV~

Marcy called me and now she's staying with me for a while I bet she realized who Scott really was.

I need to tell her how I feel but what if she dosent feel the same way.

What am I going to do?

After a few the door opens to a tired looking Marcy.

Tyler: want to watch a movie?

Marcy: read my mind.

I popped in a random DVD and we watched it.

~Marcy's pov~

I got to Tyler's and now I was sitting with him on his couch watching a movie.

The movie was a romantic comedy. As it was half way over I was really tired.

I noticed Tyler looking at me. I turned my head now we were just staring at each other.

I just stared an his green orbs. He had such amazing eyes.

And out of no where he starts to lean in.

WTF is he going to kiss me???

~Tyler's POV~

Not thinking I leaned closer to her face, our noses were now touching, here goes nothing.

I slowly put my lips against hers. Nothing amazing just a peck.

Then she pecks my lips.

Marcy just kissed me!!!!!!

I just looked at her and kissed her again but with more passion.

I pulled away and..

Tyler: I love you Marceline Lee Taylor.


What just happend!!!!!

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