Chapter six

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~Marcy's POV~

I woke up to Tyler staring at me.

"why are you staring at me?", I say in a high pitched voice.

"I'm not!", says Tyler

"yes you are.", I argue.

"ok. Whatever you say. Well it's getting late I better go.", he replies.

"ok see ya.", I reply not wanting him to go.

I hugged him as he walked out the door. At least tomorrow was saterday and I didn't have to work.

I got off the couch and went to the bath room. I brushed my hair, my teeth, and I took off my makeup.

I walked to the closet took off my clothes, put them in the hamper. I changed and walked into my room.

I'm bored and I kinda wished Tyler was still here I missed him. I don't know what was wrong but I allways want to be around him. I climbed in bed and crashed.

~Tyler's POV~

I was in my car on my way home from Marcy's, when I forgot that kevin wanted me to pick up Sam from the dog groomers. I can't believe my older, manly brother owns a pomaranian. But I got to admit she's adorable.

"damn!" I Angrily shout.

The traffic was so backed up I could walk to the groomers faster.

[20 mins later]

I was finally out of traffic when all I could see was light shining into the windshield.

I heard a loud crash. And I blacked out.


So what just happend!! Find out next chapter.

And sorry for the short chapters guys. So please comment and vote.

Have an awesome day!


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