Chapter thirteen

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~Tyler's POV~

It's been two weeks since Marcy had a heart attack. The only time I've left her side was to use the restroom, and being forced to go home.

I made another YouTube video explaining what happend to Marcy.

I've been getting so much hate on YouTube, Marcy's dying, I've started cutting again... What the hell is wrong with me. I need to go see her.

~Marcy's POV~

Tyler just walked in and he's taking to me again. I just wish I could respond. I can't open my eyes. Is this what it feels like to be dead?

~Tyler's POV~

The doctor just left, he said she's not getting any better. She's getting worse. He said she has a slim chance of surviving. She doesn't deserve die, she doesn't deserve any of this.

I walked over to her and grabbed her hand and kissed her forehead.

Tyler: well to give you an update, I got my car fixed, paid my bills, told every one how your doing. I love you to the moon and back Marcy you need to pull out of this, your strong and you need to know how much I love you.

As I spoke to her tears just fell down my face, the love of my life is dying, Marcy is on the edge of death.

After countless hours of feeling depressed talking to Marcy when she probably can't even hear me, I realize that visitation hours are over. I kissed her one last time.

Tyler: I love you Mar-Mar.

I pulled up to my apartment and there was a red pickup truck in front. I knew the truck way to well. Why... Why now.

???: Tyler...

Tyler: what the hell are you doing here!

Tyler's Backstory

~authors POV~

Tyler ran down the dark street in the pouring rain, helplessly trying to escape his abusive father.

Tyler's dad: Tyler get your ass back over here or I swear I'll kill her!!

Tyler's father was holding a loaded pistol to his own wife's head.

Tyler, in tears stopped in his tracks, turned around and bolted at his father in full rage.

Seconds before Tyler collided with father the gun went off. And his mom fell to the ground.

Tyler stopped, looked at his dad.

The gun went off again but this time at Tyler.

Tyler survived the bullet and was put in an orphanage.

He was depressed why would any one adopt a sixteen year old. But three months later he was adopted by the Grazes.

Present time

~Tyler's POV~

Tyler: what the hell are you doing here!!

Tyler's dad: I'm here to say... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I did. I'm sorry for not being there for you. But I went to rehab and I've been clean for three years. But I couldent bring my self to see you.

Tyler: you kill my mother, try to kill my and then you abandon me for almost eight years. And a you fucking have to say is sorry! and you say you've been clean for three years and you couldent come see me you fucking cowered!

Tyler's dad: but Ty..

Tyler: get the fuck off my property go leave!!

Why in the hell did he have to come and make this worse for me. He should have stayed out of my life.


Dun dun dun!! Well sorry for not updating i have been sooooo busy.

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