Because Berserkers are not Much Help

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Because Berserkers are not Much Help

After Dru left, Meris lead Myra over to some benches on the platform. She sat down beside him and let out a sigh. The only source of light in the area was an old oil lamp hanging on a post over by the boarding area. Its luminescence only reached around 10 feet and in its glow moths and insects danced about. Everything else was mostly black with darkness. Even Meris and herself were surrounded in thick shadows.

"This place doesn't even look like it is open." She turned a skeptical eye to the dark haired vampire-demon beside her. "Are you sure any trains will even come through here?"

He lifted his head, which had been resting in his palm, and turned toward her with a mischievous grin. "The kind of train we're taking will." She could see the faint light glimmer off of his exposed canines.

"And from the grin on your face, I'm guessing you're not going to tell me what 'kind' of train that is?"

"Correct." This time it was his eye in which she spotted a glimmer.

What is with these guys? Dru glows, Meris glimmers. What does Sam do? Light up like a Christmas tree?

"Ok then," she said. "When is this magical mystery train due to arrive?"


Myra rolled her eyes. Deciding to be Mr. Illusive this evening isn't he. With the way he's acting, one would think he has a surprise present somewhere for me. But what would Meris get for me? He doesn't know me very well, or what I like except for... oh! Maybe it's ice cream!

A short time later, Myra was jostled away from her ice cream day-dream by a low rumbling coming from the distance. Then out of the darkness came a sleek 1920's, deco style, streamlined passenger train.

When it came to a stop, Myra nearly squealed in anticipation and bounded over to the nearest car. Meris casually followed her with a knowing smile on his face.

"When can we get on?" She asked him hurriedly.

"A-as soon-n as the doors open." He replied between chuckles.

And as soon as the doors started to open, Myra squeezed her way onto the empty train. By the time Meris caught up with her, she was spinning in the middle aisle between the seats, looking as happy as a child in a candy store.

"So, I take it you like the magical mystery train?"

"Like it? It's absolutely AMAZING! How did you know I love old trains?"

"I kind of saw a picture of one when we were in your room," he said while staring at his feet. "I didn't know what it was at the time, but when Sam assigned me to arrange transportation for tonight; I came across it again in my research."

"I see, so this is some sort of Demon Train?" She asked as the train slowly started to move down the tracks.

"No, it's nothing that fancy, just a normal ghost train. They aren't reservable, but they keep strict schedules and are absolutely free to ride."

Myra's eyes, got even larger. "So that means that this train is probably completely authentic? What are we standing here for, then? Let's explore!" She sang while grabbing his hand and dragging him off.


Myra was having A LOT of fun exploring the train. Everything was set up to accommodate for passengers and crew, but no one was there.

Her little expedition came to an abrupt end however, when she discovered a soda fountain bar in the corner of the dining car.

Watching as Meris sat down next to her at the bar with his vanilla flavored soda, Myra took a sip from her fizzy lime flavored beverage.

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