Because Your Instincts are there to Protect You

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Because Your Instincts are there to Protect You

A tiny light green glow appeared in the middle of the purple-eyed man’s upright palm. It fluxed around a bit before forming a dense orb which grew in size and brightness until it was a little larger than his head. At this point he tossed it to the middle of the small break of trees which the group now inhabited. It stopped at a point slightly above their heads and bounced into position, as if caught in an invisible spider’s web.

Now that there was proper lighting Myra was able to distinguish more than just the features of the three men, who were standing in a semicircle in front of her. She noted that their clothes were all strange in fashion, almost otherworldly. Either they were out there LARPing, or they were from very different neck of the woods. They were all taller than herself, with the fanged guy being the tallest, and the fox guy not being much taller than she was if she stood on her toes. Each one of them were strikingly handsome in their own way, but their strange hair and eye colors were still their most noticeable features. Well, that and the one guy’s fox ears.

“How about we introduce ourselves to her first!” the fanged man spat out rather suddenly.

“Oh, that’s a good idea. Can we Sam?” at this point both of them turned to the purple-eyed man, who closed his eyes, gave a slight nod then opened his mouth.

“My name is Sammett,” he stated while still keeping his eyes closed. “I was once a Higher-Demon but we have been so long stranded here, that my position may be annulled by now.”

“Aw, don’t say that, Sam,” The fox-guy said with an encouraging pat to his back. “I’m sure you’re still the most powerful demon there is.”

Sam opened his eyes just enough to glare at him through the slits. “If I was ever the most powerful demon, Dru, we would not be in this situation right now.”

“Hmm,” the fox-man tapped his chin. “Good point.”

Myra was backpedaling a bit. “Woah, wait. Demons?” The question was out loud before she could stop herself. “You mean, like, spirits from hell?” Myra realised that the situation had suddenly become very dangerous.

“No no no!” The fox guy said quickly, “not like that. It’s just the English word we use as a translation. In our language we call ourselves Dannan, and since our kind is often mistaken as demons, the name kind of stuck. We aren’t really from this realm. We...” He stopped speaking when Sam put a hand on his shoulder. “Well, humans in general aren’t really supposed to know about us.”

Myra was still thoroughly confused, but relaxed a little when she realized that she wasn’t dealing with spawns of the devil.

Seeing this, Sam continued. “This,” he said, gesturing to Dru, “is Nadrumis. You may have noticed that he has a few rather distinctive features.”

Yea, I would call fox ears, yellow eyes, and the fact that he glows rather distinctive.


Hey, did he just…

“And before you ask, no, I did not just read your mind.”


“The reason for his looks…”

“Is because he got his head stuck in a blender.” Fang-boy burst out, followed by a fit of giggles. Yes, the fang-boy giggled.

Sam just continued as if nothing was said. “…is that he is (what would be translated as) an animal-spirit-demon. His type of demon is usually classified as one of  the lowest ranking, and weakest of all demon races.”

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