Chapter 29

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18 July 2045 – Nightfall - Banff

"They are the political leaders of every nation of the world, men and women who were elected or otherwise chosen to rule," Laila heard herself responding numbly. She met Kiera's gaze and saw the gratitude in them, which made her want to run and hide.

I just can't do it!

"So the golden threads were?" Kiera asked.

"The thing that connects us to each other, all the time, even when we don't see it or choose to acknowledge it. Its most tangible evidence is in the psychic link some have but it is there in everyone," Laila could not believe her voice sounded so calm. "It seemed to connect each ruler to all his people. Maybe that's the pact we all subconsciously make when we choose to live in a society and live by its laws – we acknowledge the ruler and he/she in turn protects us. Even when the relationship is messed up by poor leadership, the inherent pact is still there. Probably."

Kiera looked fascinated. "I never thought about that," she murmured. "Then the crystals connected them to you and you were connected to me through touch."

Laila nodded, unable to add more.

Kiera turned to the rulers, "Would you be able to obtain crystals such as the one we saw just then? I think I know the spell to connect them to each other and the Seventh can help me."

Lord Lilon nodded, "Yes, we can easily do so. I know just which ones they are. But how will you get it to them? And will they even consent to use it? Humans are so - "

"Do they have a choice?" Mickael asked. "As to the how they will get it, I can easily manage to take them to each of the ones we saw."

"That won't be necessary brother," Kiera said, "we will take them to where you left the President of the United States and explain it all to him and his people for it seems this battle will also require the weapons of mankind. You said there were screens on the walls that showed many other rulers right?"

When Mickael affirmed this, she continued, "I can translocate the crystals to anyone who is on a screen. More importantly we need them to see Laila because the mental picture will help them to focus on her and make the transfer of energy easier."

"Oh my God!" Laila heard herself burst out, "I can't. I just can't! You don't understand what you're asking of me!"

The shocked faces of everyone turned to her just added to her misery. And since there was nowhere to run except into the hugely unknowable forest filled with unknowable creatures, she doubled over right there and hid her face in her hands as she wept. She didn't want to be this weak and frail being, she really didn't – but the idea of being connected to that many people on such a personal level was such a violating thought every fibre in her being rebelled against it.

~ O ~

The world had ceased to exist for Athena, from the moment she saw the man race over the sand and saw the woman pick up the crying baby. Her mother and father. The faces she knew better than she knew her own. Dark hair and eyes that she had always thought she inherited from them.

How could they never have told me?

Did they ever tell anyone?

They had been married for six years before they had her and they had always said she was their little miracle. That phrase took on new meaning. They had found her on the beach and assumed she was abandoned.

She heard Laila crying like her heart would break and wanted to join her, but crying would mean it was true and her entire life was a lie. Then she started to laugh hysterically, until the tears poured from her eyes anyway.

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