Chapter 7

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12th July 2045 - Deep in the redwood forests

"One could say you come like thieves in the night," I chided them. They must have known that it would be impossible to violate the wards set by a true witch. We'd both known the moment they were within a mile of the house, as the lesser wards kicked in.

I was waiting for them at the inner boundary when they stepped over. Both managed to look a lot sheepish, even as they managed to look at everything but me or each other. I'd had enough time to observe them both and had realised there was some sort of tension between them. They each chose their own path while managing to go in the same direction, which seemed pretty foolish. Far better to have one person choose the path and the other follow in their footsteps to minimise the trail they left behind.

The taller one wore dappled green that blended well with foliage and carried bow and sword. The shorter wore browns that did well against the trunks of the trees and carried an axe and numerous knives stuck in the belt around his ample waist.

The taller was the first to recover. "King Mullac sends his regards and wishes your attendance in a matter of grave importance."

The shorter one forgot himself long enough to glower at him before saying, "Lord Lilon requests your attendance in a matter of grave importance."

"Hmm..." I murmured. "Would they have instructed you to leave out your names in that request?"

They both flushed. It was really too bad for them that I'd caught them unawares like I had. It took most beings a while to recover when they'd been put solidly on their back foot and there's nothing so guaranteed to do it as pointing out they were trespassing on your property.

"My apologies," it was the shorter one who managed to respond this time. "I am Garth de Sejal, of the inner guard of his Lordship, Lilon - Ruler of the Deeps and Keeper of the Secrets."

"I must add my" a cough covered up the fact that he wasn't sure how to address me, "I am Taret de Fairell of the inner guard of his majesty, King Mullac - Ruler of the Wood and Keeper of the Peace."

"Well, Garth and Taret, I am called Keira and it's no use trying to figure out which honorifics will serve best. Simply Kiera will do. Dare I assume that this place I am summoned to is the same place and that I need not choose which of you to follow?"

They apparently needed a few seconds to get over my response too. Though I was sure I'd spoken slowly enough and nothing I was asking was very difficult. Then I remembered watching their progress through the forest and sighed. Maybe they did expect me to choose who to follow.

"It is the same place," Garth responded stiffly.

"Where is it?" I asked, since nothing more seemed forthcoming.

"The humans call it Banff," Taret replied.

"That's about two days by car right? How long did it take you to get here and how did you travel?" I may never have travelled by car but that didn't mean I was ignorant of the ways of the world.

"We must get to the edge of this forest, then there is a place where the seers can sense us so they can bring us to them." Garth provided.

That sounded more like the type of magick I was used to but I wasn't sure I wanted to trust someone else with my transportation like that. However, since I'd never been to Banff and I had no imagery to work with I doubted I had a choice.

They must have been far more perceptive than I gave them credit for because Taret said, "It's the Gathering you see...too much magick and too much chances of something being taken the wrong way. The Rulers have made it so that none may travel using magick unless it be the Seers themselves."

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