Chapter 21

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17 July 2045 – Banff

The scientific part of Shio kept trying to find logical explanations for the last few days. The space jumps. The secret races that lived in hiding all over the world. The alien destroyers that they were supposed to face. Shio had always been a bit of a nerd and he had grown up with one foot firmly in the land of science and the other firmly in a land populated by comic books, Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. This felt like that secondary world had overtaken and swallowed his world of science.

He didn't think he'd be surprised if he found out that the Hulk was real and was of the race of giants they had mentioned. Or if Gandalf came forward to wield the sceptre and one of the Jedi brought news that the enemy was closer than they had thought.

He knew he was distracting himself. Because the truly worst thing about all this was the fact that he somehow had a role to play in their salvation. Mickael was convinced of it but very sparing on the details of how. Shio didn't deal too well with unclear expectations. Especially not when the fate of the world depended on it.

His mind ran back over the hours since Mickael had jumped them into the Cave and introduced them to Lord Lilon. Once they had established the fact they were all willing to die to face the enemy, Lord Lilon sent someone off to King Mullac to call for a gathering.

Then they had all made their way here to this clearing. Although it was no longer very clear since it was packed with all sort of beings. Beings that belonged on the big screen and in his favorite fantasy-fiction novels but which definitely did not belong here. In Banff. He wasn't even sure if the way they'd made their way to the clearing was the way it had appeared. It had appeared to be one step at a time through long and winding tunnels and the journey had felt like it took the entire day. But he had a feeling that if he chose to rely on appearances he'd be making a big mistake. Who knew how far they had actually travelled while walking through those twilight tunnels?

The space was filled with a glow that was too bright for moonlight, especially since he could only glimpse a half-moon amongst the scattering of stars through the branches above.

Lord Lilon sat off to the right on a throne-like seat that appeared to be made of one huge gemstone that flashed in every colour imaginable, and was perhaps the source of some of the light. Off to the left was the one he assumed was King Mullac on a throne that was reminiscent of the roots of a great tree. The seats were not at opposite ends of the clearing, but were far enough apart that there was a clear distinction between the subjects of each ruler. Those subjects surrounded both thrones and filled the clearing, leaving one clear circular space. Three seers stood at the shoulders of each ruler.

Keira and Mickael stood side by side in that open circular space, with Shio, Laila and Athena behind them. The strange seer, with the hooded cloak you could never see into, also stood in that space. Yet he managed to be with them and apart at the same time.

Shio still didn't know if he was friend or foe. He was Keira's silent shadow but she seemed determined to ignore him.

"Well Keira," the King said, "when you left us you said you needed to seek answers to the how of stopping the evil that heads towards us. You have returned with a sceptre and three humans. I trust this means that you now have the answers you sought?"

"I have most of the answers I sought," she said. "I think I need one more thing that can only be found here."

"You think?" Lord Lilon interrupted.

"What is that one thing?" King Mullac asked, after sparing a glare for the other ruler.

"I need to cast a scrying spell tonight. Or rather, when the moon rises after this night," she shook her head, "I don't even know what time it is so I don't know if it's today...or tomorrow...

Anyway, for whatever reason, the powers-that-be chose to show Mickael and me two different sets of scenes and sent us on two different paths. There must be a reason why I had to go amongst the clans and he had to go amongst humans. I mean it cannot just have been so that we would understand and appreciate the races we do not know that much about. No offense, but while I really enjoyed your hospitality I don't think we had much of a chance to get to know each other right?" That last was directed at Lord Lilon. "Also, since Mickael spent most of his time jumping around and then escaping a military installation – well I don't think he was such a great ambassador or created long-lasting bonds either. Again, no offense." Mickael shrugged as though to say he wasn't offended.

Shio found her mini-babble slightly endearing. She was so young! His stomach churned some more. This was the group of people who were supposed to save the planet?

The rulers looked at each other. "Whatever you need Keira," surprisingly it was Lord Lilon that spoke.

"I can provide the Chosen One with all she needs and the others with a place to rest and recharge until it's time," the strange seer said, stepping forward slightly.

Shio saw Kiera's shoulders stiffen, before she inclined her head towards the Seventh, "That would be greatly appreciated Seventh."

The gathering dispersed after that. There was none of the ceremony that would have been present in a similar gathering amongst humans. One minute the clearing was full of strange beings and the next they had dissipated like a fog does when the sun rises. Even the huge thrones were suddenly no longer there.

"Wow," he muttered, "no wonder we've never known they were around."

The six of them stood silently until the clearing was empty. Are they really gone though?

The Seventh turned toward them and said, "Follow me, without pause and without looking back." He walked through the group and headed in the opposite direction from the one they had been facing.

One minute they were walking on lush green grass and the next they were in a long stone hall. Shio stumbled in surprise and felt Laila put her hand in his. Along stone hallways and through one austere hall before a decorated one. Up stone stairs and along more corridors. Then a blank wall that opened up into a huge library. The library had Shio salivating but the Seventh kept walking and that warning about keeping up had sounded too serious to be ignored. They continued past long shelves filled with scrolls and then books. Another blank wall opened at a gesture and they were in a cosy sitting room, complete with stuffed chairs and a crackling fire in the small fireplace.

The Seventh stopped then. "There are four bedrooms through those doors," he pointed and Shio saw doors in the wall where he could have sworn there were none before.

"Be at ease," he said in a voice that brooked no argument.

"If you have desire of any food or drink, simply pull that cord," he pointed to a cord that hung in a corner, "and speak what you wish. The food or drink will be served on that counter," this time Shio knew with absolute certainty that the side-bar that appeared had not been there before.

Is he just making this stuff up as he goes along?

"Why only four rooms?" Mickael asked. Shio wondered if this sort of magick was normal to Mickael and if that was why his calm seemed so absolute.

"Your sister will be taken the rooms she occupied when last she was here. After we have spoken and she has rested, she will rejoin you."

"I don't think so," Mickael said. "She and I need to talk and that should be now."

To his surprise, because it had not seemed like she would side with the Seventh at all, Keira said, "Actually Mickael, I think I do need to speak to the Seventh first. And a couple hours of sleep would make some things a lot clearer. Shall we re-group in about four hours then?"

"That would be at dawn," the Seventh put in helpfully. Brother and sister snapped their gazes back to him for a second before rolling their eyes at each other.

"Is that alright with everyone?" she prompted.

Shio heard the tiredness in all their voices as the humans agreed.

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