Chapter 24

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18 July 2045 – One hour later – A wedding – Banff

I loved being a fairy godmother, I really, really did.

After delegating the performance of the ceremony and the location to Gwydd (I figured he couldn't be too busy if the weight of the world was currently on our shoulders and not his) – I prodded them into separate rooms. With strict orders that the females were to take a quick shower I went to deal with the males first. Let's face it, dressing men is easy.

"Black tuxedo good enough?" I asked Shio. It had taken two minutes of research to understand that's what men usually wore.

He looked at me uncertainly and said, "Uh sure?"

Altering physical objects is kind of easy. Glamours are easier, when you make something appear to be something else but I didn't want that for today. A little extra energy wasn't going to sap my reserves, plus we had all that food out there.

So I used existing physical matter and voila! Shio was in a real, live, perfectly fitting tux. He looked down at himself. "Wow." He stepped into the bathroom and came back patting his hair, which had also been trimmed and groomed.

I turned to Mickael next, "You remember what happened the last time I used magick on you?"

"I'll try not to resist," he said.

"Kiera?" Shio interjected, "If you don't mind, can you leave him as he is? Once upon a time, Laila and I talked about how fun it would be to have a wedding where we were all formal but everyone else did CosPlay. He's perfect."

I had no idea what CosPlay was but I did get the gist of no change being required. "What does that mean for the maid of honour then?"

"Can you do a warrior princess?"

"A what, now?"

"I wish I could show you," he muttered. "They took all our technology when they grabbed us."

"I'll figure it out," I said, leaving them to it.

In the next room Laila and Athena were sitting in robes on the edge of the bed and chatting. I admired their easy camaraderie, despite the fact they had known each other only a few hours.

"Can you describe your dream wedding dress to me Laila?"

Her eyes got all dreamy as she gazed into the distance, "It's ivory white and simple. Narrow straps, no sleeves, a straight bodice...."

I took her hand to help her up so that I could work while she talked. As soon as our hands touched, I had no more need of words. Maybe because she was wide open or maybe because I was also, I suddenly saw the dress she was describing.

I usually hated to be able to tell what other people were thinking, which was why I kept that sense locked down. But this connection was different. Our eyes met and I knew she felt it too and that she could read me as easily as I was reading her. She didn't take advantage though, didn't try to pry. She focused on the image for me and I raised the other hand.

"You can let go now," I said, stepping back.

Athena's sigh said I had done well. The bride-to-be glowed in the dress of her design. I created a full length standing mirror in front of her. Her first astonished gasp said we had done more than well. "It's perfect," she breathed, "I can never repay you for what you're taking the time to do for us today."

My throat and chest tightened and tears pricked the back of my eyes. A couple days with humans and I'm turning into one of them!

I cleared my throat. "Well, at least now I know how to create a warrior princess ensemble."

"Huh?" Athena said. "Wait! I'm not going to be required to wear a girly pastel dress!" She did a little happy dance.

"This group is so made for each other," I laughed.

I put out my hand for Laila's again, "Can you show me?"

Again, the instant of connection. I saw the short-sleeved tunic of dark green, covered with the armoured leather bustier and short skirt. There was also matching leather gloves and boots, along with metal armbands. I gestured towards Athena.

"Oh wow!" she laughed "This is so Xena, Warrior Princess!"

"It's perfect!" Laila said, clapping her hands.

"Well," I dusted my hands, "if the bride is happy my job here is done. Wait until I come for you."

When I exited the bedroom, I found Gwydd waiting. "Are they ready?" he asked. I nodded and he lifted his hood before opening one of those magickal portals in the air through which I glimpsed flowers.

"Groom and best man please," I raised my voice. The two of them exited the bedroom and looked at the portal. "Go on," I nudged. Mickael, of course, led the way.

When they were no longer in view, I collected the females from the bedroom and it was our turn through the portal. I led this time.

It was a scene to take your breath away. Gwydd and his people had done well and so much more than I'd expected! I stepped to the side of the path as I exited the portal and saw the look of amazement on both ladies' faces as they stepped into the wonderland.

The portal was at the edge of a gravel path strewn with flower petals and edged with tulips. Tulips were everywhere, in every shade. The ones along the path looked like they had grown there and there were others in pots and hanging from planters in the boughs of trees. Vines of star-shaped flowers in every shade hung from a ring of poles that surrounded the entire space, while birds sang sweetly and fairies and butterflies added even more colour to the scene. The arbour was decorated with a bounty of tulips and the same star-shaped flower. It was a scene from a fairy tale to rival all fairy tales.

And we had witnesses, even though I had not asked for them. On each side of the path there was an audience that sat silently on the grass amongst the flowers.

Laila turned to me and said, "Kiera, I know this is late and kind of weird – but now I feel like I know you a whole lot better and I'd like so much if you walked down with me."

She was right. It was unexpected and a little bit weird, but I knew exactly what she meant. I crooked my arm and she placed hers on it before we stepped forward together. I looked down the path and saw that Shio had eyes only for his bride as she glided towards him. Mickael and Athena both stood attentively next to the fairy arbour and I stopped a few steps away from it. I turned to Laila and grasped both arms. "Be well. Be happy." I said, kissing her on each cheek.

I stepped to the side and sat on the grass with the other witnesses as she took those last steps and her groom beamed at her. I let the sense of connection fill me. Then I had the biggest shock of all. King Mullac and Lord Lilon materialized to perform the ceremony. I think my jaw was on the floor the entire time and I barely heard a word of what was said.

We all cried when the groom kissed his bride for the first time. All too soon it was over and the wedding guests had disappeared, leaving us alone in the enchanted space.

"This was perfect," Laila sighed, from her place under Shio's arm.

"It really, really was," he agreed.

"So, are we ready to kick some alien butt then?" Ahena asked. There was a resounding yes, which was for me particularly blood curdling from a bride in an ivory wedding dress.


Author's note: Hope you enjoyed this little interlude!

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