Chapter 16

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16 July 2045 – Houston Military Base

"Now, I really don't understand why we're here," Major Athena Lawson murmured to herself. But of course Sergeant. James Duvall was close enough to hear. He had not been out of sight since their last disturbing conversation. Out of the corner of her eye she saw his slight nod.

The orders had come in late in the afternoon and they were speeding to this 'secret' military base in Houston within half an hour of getting them. She had been confused when the orders came in. Leaving made no sense when the situation they had been sent to resolve was still volatile.

Her confusion level had increased when she realized there were representatives from each of the Special Forces units and from every other military and naval unit, some of which had symbols she didn't even recognise. She tried to imagine the scale of crisis that would warrant the risk of having them all in the same place. The room was huge and could probably hold hundreds if they were all standing as they were right now and it was packed to capacity.

The group of suits at the podium out front were all strangers to her and they flanked a well-muscled, bald guy in the uniform of space exploration? A tap on the mic for attention and there was immediate silence. This was a very disciplined crowd.

"I am Commander Stephen Gray, and the least likely person to address as widely assorted a group as we have here today," he said, echoing her thoughts. "However, the threat we face requires the use of everyone with any military training – even if we have not yet confirmed exactly what our action plan is. We have left the minimum possible agents on the field and you will all be re-deployed according to the orders in these packages up here. One person from each group can come up to collect and be briefed."

The entire thing sounded disorganized and reeked of an organization in panic. Her feelings of unease rose. Space exploration...the feeling she needed to be gone from this planet...surely it couldn't be...

"I'll go, shall I?" James asked.

She nodded. The other five with them waited with the patient alertness that came from countless lengthy stake-outs. She used the time to observe reactions as orders were received. Most hid it well, but she was experienced enough to read the almost universal reaction of confusion and disagreement. No one understood or liked the orders they were being given.

James came back empty handed. "I was told to take our team to the corridor outside and someone would take us to our assignment."

She noted that they were the only ones who did not get a written set of orders but shrugged it away. No one in here was happy with their orders anyway. Soon or late – they would be in the same position.

She shouldered her bag and the others followed her out into the corridor. The man outside wore a white lab coat and paced back and forth in impatience. His hair was blond and thinning but stood straight up as though he had either been electrocuted or had been attempting to pull it up by the roots. His pale blue eyes looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"It's about time," he muttered. "Well?! Follow me! You've kept me waiting long enough already..." Exchanging a bemused glance with her crew, they followed. This was the strangest delivery of orders ever.

He led the way to an elevator and pressed a series of numbers in the panel. The door closed and it sped downwards lighting up sub-basement levels until all the number on the display had their turn. But then it kept going.

When the door eventually opened, it looked like the corridor in any military facility she had been to with its grey walls and stark lighting. As he led the way down that corridor, they passed doorways with individual codes and a few lighted panels of windows that looked into different types of sitting room set-ups. Each of those rooms was empty now, with no clues as to what they were used for. Finally they came to one that was not empty. She caught a glimpse of the most stunning male she had ever seen and only had time to note the perfect symmetry of his features before his eyes caught and held hers. His widened in a sort of shocked recognition. The same kind she felt echo throughout her entire being.

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