Chapter Seven

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"Wait. So, you know?" Kyo asked in shock.
Amai nodded once. "Yep!"
"And Akito is okay with it?" Yuki asked.
Shigure nodded once. "Yep!"
Kyo rolled his eyes. "Why are you two so weird?"

Shigure and Amai giggled as they sat on one side of the dining table, Yuki and Kyo sitting opposite them. The boys sighed at their childish behaviour, both convinced that they were made for each other.

They both had grown fond of Amai over the past weeks and they had gotten used to having her around. They were glad that she knew the truth and that she was able to stay with them. She had become a great friend to them and they hoped that she and Shigure would eventually get married. But they and Shigure were worried that Akito was up to something and had all mutually and silently decided that they needed to protect her.

As time went on, their relationship grew ever stronger. Amai was no longer upset about being disowned by her parents because Shigure's love filled that void.

He would even hug her whenever he felt like it and he had told her to do the same whenever she wanted to. Although he turned into a dog every time, that one second embrace was something that they were grateful for.

They both also tested how close they could get without him transforming. The furthest they could make it was with him holding her hips or waist whilst sharing a kiss but if he even tried to hold her any closer, he would transform. They could feel the the desire for more building between them. It was natural. After two months of being together, the heat was growing stronger. They craved more of each other.

Amai's assignment was finally complete and submitted, leaving her free for the holidays. In between work, college and home life, and with Shigure's help, it was finally done. She decided she was going to return her library books the next day but all she wanted to do was sleep.

Shigure walked her to her room like he did every night and gave her a kiss at the door. She pouted cutely as she played with the collar of his kimono.

"I hate having to sleep away from you every night," she said.
He sighed. "Me, too." He cupped her cheek, softly brushing his thumb across her skin. "Let's change that."
Her eyes widened a little. "Really? But what if I accidentally hug you in the middle of the night?"
"It doesn't matter. I'll turn back eventually," he said to convince her. Noticing her hesitation, he smiled at her reassuringly. "We can put pillows between us if it makes you feel better. I really want to sleep next to you tonight."
She smiled brightly. "Okay, let's do it."
"I'll just get changed and I'll be right there."
He smiled flirtatiously and wiggled his brows. "You can change in front of me."
"No way!" She laughed and pushed him out of the door. "I'll be two minutes."
"Okay, okay."

He chuckled before leaving to his room to change as well. He changed into another kimono, which he wore loosely, before returning back to her room.

"Are you done yet?" he called.

The door slid open a second later, revealing her dressed in her pajamas, which consisted of shorts and a baggy t-shirt. He took her hand and led her to his room. She had been in there plenty of times before but it would be her first time sleeping there with him and she was very aware of the looseness of the belt of his kimono.

"That better not slip off in the middle of the night, mister," she warned him as she got into bed.
He laughed and got in beside her. "Don't worry." He then placed a couple of pillows between them. "There. That should do the trick. That way I can still hold you but technically, we're not hugging."
She smiled almost sadly. "One day, we won't need the pillows."
He nodded. "We'll make it there."

They both leaned in towards each other and kissed softly. After a couple of seconds, they parted again.

"Shall we try?" he asked.

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