Chapter Four

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To thank Shigure, Yuki and Kyo for letting her stay, Amai woke up extra early to make breakfast for everyone. She wasn't the best cook but she could throw something together.

It wasn't long before all three boys came down following the scent of the food. They hadn't smelled homemade dishes for a very, very long time. They stood at the kitchen door and watched as she plated up the food.

"Wow, Amai!" Shigure gasped in delight.
She smiled brightly. "Good morning. I hope you're all hungry."
Yuki entered and examined the food. "It looks wonderful, Miss Amai."
"Thank you!"
Kyo grinned. "I can't wait to eat!"
She was eased by their responses. "I hope it tastes good. It's been a while since I've cooked." She looked at Shigure. "I hope you don't mind. I used your kitchen."
He smiled. "Think of it as your own, Amai. A home cooked meal is truly welcomed. Come on, boys. Take everything to the dining room."

They both took two plates each and set them on the table. Shigure waited for Amai as she took off the apron and hung it up before they both went to the dining room to eat.

"Please let me know how it is," she said.

They all took a bite. She watched them nervously but it wasn't long before their eyes lit up. Then they began scoffing it down.

Shigure sighed in pleasure. "This is the best food I've ever tasted."
Her eyes widened in surprise. "Really?"
"It's heavenly," he said before continuing to eat.

She looked at Yuki and Kyo, both of them eating their food as if they've never tasted food before. She giggled happily before eating as well.

Once they were done, Shigure placed his hands flat against each other and smiled.

"Thank you for that delicious meal."
"I'm so glad you all enjoyed it," she grinned. "I'm going to go to the library and check out some books."
He nodded. "Once you're back, I'll help you with your assignment."

She got up and went to take everyone's dishes. However, Shigure stopped her.

"We'll take care of this. You go ahead to the library."
She smiled. "Okay. Thank you."

As she left, Shigure stared after her as he rested his cheek in his hand. Yuki and Kyo glanced at each other. It was so obvious that he was smitten by her.


After she returned from the library, she sat in Shigure's office and used his computer to do her assignment. Like he promised, he helped her start it off and helped her with the research. Her aim was to write a thousand words a day so she could finish it quickly and then go back to it later to check through it with a fresh mind. Shigure sat beside her, reading out pieces of texts from books so she could write them down. She found his being there gave her the boost that she needed and they worked so well together.

"Ah, there you go," he said. "See? You've done over two thousand words already."
She breathed out deeply. "Wow, I never thought I'd make it that far today." She looked at him. "I seriously couldn't have done this without your help. I don't know how to repay you."
He smiled, shaking his head. "I'm glad to help. I guess for repayment, I'll take that date."
She blushed as she smiled brightly. "I've been looking forward to it."
"As have I."
"But you need to tell me where we're going," she said. "I need to know what to wear."
He chuckled. "I'm taking you to The Amethyst Garden."
"Wow." She raised a brow with a soft smirk. "Going all out for our first date."
"Yes, well, I truly wish to treat you, Amai."
"You're too sweet," she giggled as she stood up. "I'm gonna go and get ready."

Before Shigure could reply, she leaned down and kissed his cheek before running off. His eyes widened in surprise by her cute kiss. He lifted his hand and tenderly touched his blushing cheek with his fingers. Sighing dreamily, he got up and made his way to get ready as well.

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