Blood in the Water 12

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Author note at the end, for reasons...


Lila woke with a start and she groaned, her whole body hurt like a bitch. Everything came back to her and she sat up slowly, looking around scared. She was in a bed in a room she didn't recognise. Her heart was hammering away inside of her chest. The boys, what happened to them? Rocco... she clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle a sob that came out, replaying her best friend being shot over and over in her head. She hadn't thought it was real until that point. She didn't know where she was. Her captors must have brought her back here and her heart ached wondering what happened to the boys. They had to have got out of there, they couldn't have been killed. God wouldn't do that, they were his soldiers. Her hand instinctively went to her stomach and her heart broke all over again, she took a deep breath trying to stuff it down, way down into the depths of her soul never to be brought back up again.

She slipped out of bed carefully, trying to be as quiet as she could. There was a mirror and she walked over. She gasped when she saw the state of herself. Her left eye was swollen shut, her nose a rainbow of colours, her face was for that matter. She was a walking bruise. The cut on her face had been neatly stitched up and her brow furrowed, wondering why they would do that for her. Then she noticed the lack of blood, someone had cleaned her up. Her hair was still in the messy bun and she noticed some crusted blood matted in there that the person hadn't cleaned up. Her heart fluttered when her eyes went to what she was wearing. A shirt, Murphy's shirt. She could smell him on it. The boys had saved her, got her out of there. Was that possible? She glanced between her legs, once again the lack of blood unsettled her, she was wearing panties and someone had put a pad in her underwear for the bleeding.

She was still cautious as she went to the door and opened it. Her eyes darted around and her heart exploded, seeing a beat up Murphy and Connor in the living area, looking like they were arguing. Both of them looked grief-stricken, Murphy looking ready to murder someone. They were here, they had got out, they had saved her. She felt the relief flood through her body overwhelmingly. An older man sat on the chair looking like he was chiming in every so often. She heard something from the open kitchen then, and her heart stopped dead in her chest when Rocco walked out. He was shirtless and he looked pale and sickly. He had a bandage around his shoulder. She had seen him get shot, she thought he had died. The shot looked like it just missed his heart.

She couldn't control herself, aching body and heart aside, and she flew at him, catching him off guard as she ran over and wrapped her arms around him and sobbed hopelessly. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around her, she was hurting him with how hard she was holding him but he didn't want to tell her that when she was so upset. It had killed him seeing the state of her when they dragged her in the room in her underwear, beaten and raped like that. The boys watched on with wide eyes and Murphy couldn't lie and say jealousy didn't rear its ugly head that Rocco was the first person she went to. But he took a leaf out of Connor's book and tried to be rational. The last thing the poor girl saw was Rocco being shot.

The boys were feeling a whole range of emotions. Seeing their girl in such a state, it had been the worst thing they had ever gone through. Knowing what those monsters did to her, how badly they beat her. The blood between her legs made it clear what they had done to her and Murphy couldn't stand to be in the room when their father's doctor friend had cleaned up the blood. He had trashed the living room in a fit of murderous rage. Connor felt immense guilt, he had failed her in the worst way. His plan to keep her safe, to keep her away, it was what got her into this mess and she had been almost beaten to death. He had never felt like such a failure in all his life, and his brother was furious with him. Murphy shared the guilt too, after all he had gone along with the plan. But he had been against it first, and he had been right. And now the girl was a mess and they were not sure if she would ever mentally recover from what happened to her. They were just glad she was awake, the doctor had been very concerned with the trauma to her head.

Blood in the Water (Sequel to Such a Softer Sin) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now