Blood in the Water 1

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The sequel is hereeeeeee.

So, a quick reminder, it will be very canon divergent, some things might seem AU, but that's just the way its gotta be.

Its set 5 months after the prequel and the first chapter might seem fillerish? But it's just cause I need to fill in some gaps before the real shit starts in the next chapter. What happens in this chapter was unexpected to say the least and not where I thought this thing was heading, but it happened so...

I have no idea where the fuck I'm going with this and I'll probably struggle since I can't free write completely with the movie plotline to follow, but there we fucking go.


No...We are not. lolololol.


It was a Tuesday, the weather was a little drab but it didn't affect the three bodies tangled together in bed. Lila had the night off, it was St Patrick's day the day after, her first one working at McGinty's, and she had been given the night off to enjoy herself, preparing herself for the next night almost. She had been told McGinty's was quite a fucking night on St Patty's day. It had been 5 months since the boys proposed to her, 10 months in total since she'd met the little shits, and not much had changed. They weren't married yet. None of them quite anticipated the level of planning that a wedding seemed to take, and much to Lilas amusement, Connor was in his fucking element. Murphy was glad Connor had taken over the planning, he didn't want to have to deal with what fucking flowers they wanted or the colour scheme. Fuck that shite. Connor loved it though, focusing all his energy on planning the wedding. He had chosen Christmas eve as the date, spoke to the priest and had it all booked. They had selected the priest from the hospital, the one that had watched over them when Murphy was comatose. The man was all too happy to bless their seemingly strange union. He had seen first hand what love these three had for each other, and learning they were twins, hearing their explanation of how they were one soul divided in two bodies, even he agreed it was fitting for their soulmate to be one person. He had seen them all together, seen how they worked, and he knew in his heart it was God's work. The weird little hang-up Murphy kept coming back to, about them both being in love with her and marrying her, it had eased tremendously with the priests backing, and also the fact she was to officially marry him.

Connor was right, Murphy was the more sentimental one, and whereas Connor was happy with just the blessing, what was deemed as the real marriage in their eyes, linking the girl to the pair of them, the fact she would be his wife legally meant all the world to him. He would never hold it over his brother, it wasn't like that made him more special in her eyes in the slightest, and he knew that. But he was aware of the tremendous gift his brother had bestowed on him with this and he didn't take it for granted for one fucking second. The plan was the day before the wedding, the three of them and Rocco would go to the courthouse to sign the papers with Connor and Rocco as the witnesses, and then she would officially be a MacManus, ready for the wedding. They weren't going to make a fuss out of it or celebrate it, because the real celebration was the wedding.

Now being engaged, it hadn't really changed anything with the three of them. They still had their own little routine going, but they did feel closer. No longer feeling the need to fight the urge to tell her they loved her, it was all there, open for all of them to see. They were currently laying in bed, just having a lazy day after the boys had been working hard. They enjoyed their time like this, apart from weekends it seemed few and far between since not long after the boys got home from work, Lila herself would start her shift. So when they got a moment to just lay there and soak each other in, they fucking took it.

Blood in the Water (Sequel to Such a Softer Sin) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now