Blood in the Water 4

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Oh my god, writing this has been like pulling teeth for me! I hate not having complete creative freedom loooool.

Send help.

Can we just talk about Murphy in the scene where Rocco brings the boys their clothes and rosaries at the station? Cause I watched it like a billion times and his laugh is the most precious thing to ever grace this world, it hurts my soul. o.O


Lila sat between her boys, her fingers drumming anxiously on the table. They were in the interrogation room as Agent Smecker spoke to the boys. She had seen his questioning glances towards her, like he was figuring out how she fit into all this, which twin she was with. But the boys subconsciously gravitated towards her, Murphy's arm around her shoulder and Connors hand on her knee. She saw the look of realisation cross the man's face then, but he didn't comment on it. The way they were sat reminded Lila of the second time she had ever met the boys, when she had been feeling much better and introduced herself. How Connor got her to sit with them and have a drink, Murphy's arm around her, Connors hand on her knee. She thought they were just being friendly at the time, now looking back, they were probably trying to get in her pants. She would have gone along with it, but she had been so unaware they would even like her that way. Things worked out for the best though, she wouldn't change what happened with them for anything.

The boys were showing off their language skills, sneakily talking about the man himself as he looked on impressed. He settled his eyes onto her then with a smile.

"What about you doll? Can you speak any other languages?" He asked curiously.

"Just Irish. These two assholes always switch to something I can't understand when they don't want me to know something." She said dryly, rolling her eyes a little. The boys huffed out a laugh next to her and Smecker grinned. The man seemed decent enough, he believed their story, the evidence backed them up. It was self-defense and they were free to go, Lila was overwhelmed with relief. The boys had been clear they didn't want to talk to the press or want pictures, especially adamant about Lila being kept out of it all. They didn't need a price on their heads for what they had done, they didn't want anyone to know it was them, especially their fucking mother. They'd asked to stay at the station overnight, that way they could wait for the press to leave.

Lila sat on one of the cots in the cell. She didn't much like the idea of sleeping in a cell but it wouldn't be locked, they weren't being held at least. The boys had requested an extra bed and positioned them so they were right next to each other. They wouldn't be able to be such a tangle of limbs as they were used to, the beds would most likely shift in the night and one of them would fall down the gap, but at least they could still be close. The boys were playing cards with two officers when Rocco bound in, pile of clothes in hand.

"Yeah!" Murphy exclaimed excitedly, literally jumping up from where he sat. Rocco tossed the clothes on the cot just in time for Murphy to grab him in a big hug. Lila couldn't help but smile as Murphys beautiful boyish laugh filled up the cell. She loved that laugh, and she came very close not to hearing it ever again. Her smile vanished. Connor had gotten up too and Rocco produced the boys' rosaries, always the best friend he was and knowing they'd want them. Lila stood up and blinked at him. It hit her again just how close she had been to never seeing anyone again. She was so emotional it was driving her insane.

The three boys turned to her then, the boys picking up on her emotional state and Connor watched her carefully, Murphy gave her a sympathetic smile. Rocco grinned at her, almost running over and grabbing her in a bear hug, actually lifting her off her feet for a moment. When he set her feet back down and went to move away, she tightened her arms around him, burying her face in his neck as she tried to get a hold of herself, a few tears escaping. Rocco heard her sniffle and he frowned, he'd heard what had happened and he knew it must have been scary for them all. He just held her tight and rubbed her back soothingly. The twins cleared their throats behind them, and Lila finally released Rocco. Connor quirked a brow amused at her overly affectionate hug and Murphy squinted. It wasn't until they saw her wipe her eyes and sniffle a little that they realised how upset she was.

Blood in the Water (Sequel to Such a Softer Sin) [COMPLETE]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin