Blood in the Water 8

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This is honestly just a few thousand words of pure smut and I'm not even sorry looool. I realised I had not given you the goods yet in this one, so here it is. Might not be everyone's cup of tea, but there you go. Things are about to go pretty serious soon so I wanted something a little more lighthearted.


The next morning Lila was sat at the table, the boys opposite as they had breakfast. Rocco was still asleep, he'd ended up drinking a bit the night before so no doubt he'd be in bed for a while. Lila made the boys a full cooked breakfast, saving a plate for Rocco in the oven. She opted herself for toast, not feeling up to eating much. The boys were a little worried at her, they noticed she didn't seem to eat much lately claiming she felt off, but she put it down to the stress of everything. They felt guilty the whole thing was making her unwell. The boys were talking to each other in a language she didn't know, but she didn't mind it, she was too busy staring at them as they glanced to each other, deep in conversation. They were only in their jeans and she found herself admiring them.

She wasn't sure if it was from being worked up the night before or what, but she squirmed in her chair, eyes scanning one boy at a time. They were different body wise, but both equally devastatingly beautiful. She wasn't aware she had completely zoned out as she was just ogling them both.

"Lila!" Connor yelled, making her jump and her eyes snap to his. He was looking at her like the cat that ate the canary, clearly catching her in the act. She felt the heat sweep up her chest and to her face and when she chanced a glance at Murphy, he was smirking at her, quirking a brow.

"Ye see this Connor, she's not even heard a word we said." Murphy snorted, all too pleased with himself.

"Aye, too busy eyein' us up it seems." Connor grinned, making her want to strangle them both. They were enjoying this far too much for her liking. She crossed her arms over her chest and squinted at them defiantly.

"You know what, I was eyeing you up, can't blame a girl when you're sat there half naked." She raised a brow, giving them both a very obvious once over. Much to her amusement, the boys smiles vanished and they shifted in their seats, clearly being affected by her wandering gaze. A slow smirk spread across her face, the tables now turned and she almost laughed.

"I'm horny, so if anyone of you two wanna help me out, I'll be in the bedroom." She stood up, sauntering off to the bedroom and the boys watched her go, swallowing thickly. They glanced to each other before the dove out of their seats, shoving and pulling at each other to trip the other up. Murphy was the first to enter the room but he stopped dead, Connor running into his back and almost knocking him over. Lila was stood there, shirt discarded and the light reflected on her pale skin, making her look like a fucking angel. Both boys could do nothing for a moment but watch her. She shimmied out of her panties, flinging them at them with a mischievous smile.

They snapped out of it then and Murphy rushed to rid himself of his pants and boxers, Connor following suit but at a slower pace, not as impatient as his dark counterpart. Murphy practically dived on her, lips crashing to hers and she welcomed him, kissing him back just as greedy. His hand tangled in her hair and he tugged it, making a moan leave her lips that he swallowed willingly. Connor suddenly came up behind her then, she could feel him hard and wanting against her ass cheeks and she arched her back, pressing herself against him. Murphy was still kissing her like he needed it to breathe whilst Connor started his assault on her neck, kissing and nipping at her. Her head was spinning, it always did when these two touched her like this.

She broke away from Murphy just from the sheer need to breathe and she turned in Connors' arms, wanting to kiss him too. They switched, Connor kissing her deeply whilst Murphy marked up her neck real good, being more aggressive than his brother as usual. She loved it though, she always did no matter what they did to her. She nipped and tugged at Connors lower lip, making him groan low in his throat. She smiled up at him wickedly before shoving him over to the bed.

Blood in the Water (Sequel to Such a Softer Sin) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now